(P) not the same

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After homecoming before infinity war.

Peters pov
Hit after hit after hit "stupid lazy lying git! I did not rase you like this!" Hit,hit hit.
"S-Sorry I d-didn't know when or h-how to tell you s-so I just didn't." Hit,hi-
"Get out."
"OUT!!" So I ran. Left everything and ran. May hadn't taken the news of Spider-Man to well. I have two black eyes and my face is plastered in bruses. I have to see mr. stark tomorrow for the 'internship' and he's gonna freak. No he won't he doesn't care really and with my amazing healing factor no one will not know. Except I think I've dislocated my left wrist. That can be explained easy
" they were some crazy muggers with knives"
"I swung a web at the wrong angle...again"
"That bully from school jammed me in a locker" see there's many ways to prevent mr.stark from having to act worried. And Ned will probably have to act worried and MJ never really gives two shits about anything anyway. I don't know why she should especially with a stupid burden like me.
The empty streets of queens is one of the most scary things especially at night. I hate how venerable I am to the world. Yes I have my spidy-Senses but you never know what's gonna jump out at you. Well Spider-Man's always been better with fear so I'll just change. Yes I know spiderman and I are the same but then again we're not:
Spider-Man is the hero of queens, I'm at high school. Spider-Man can stop a truck with his bear hands, I get bullied by flash. Spider-Man can shoot webs from his hands, I can solve difficult equations. Spider-Man can...well ya get the point
I take in my surroundings and I notice I'm in an alleyway. A dark one of course. One of those big trash bins and just across the street from that amazing sandwich shop. Sounds good. Well better that in the dumpster I guess

The next day at school

Schools the same only I'm tired and not focusing on what the teacher is saying. I have the stark internship later which is gonna be awesome if I can hide the fact I'm now homeless with no family, sleep deprived and dehydrated, hungry and injured. It shouldn't be to hard I don't know why they'd care anyway. I'll just carry on working on my suit and hope my healing will have worked it's magic by then
I get through science, art and history before bed started to get really worried. It was kinda and I didn't have any food and I still flinched whenever I moved my left wrist
"Okay dude whaT the hell is going on. Are you okay. You look dead in your feet."
"I'm fine Ned I just stayed up late patrolling last night."

Another time skip because I'm way to lazy to write the rest of the school day.

I walk up to Happy's toyota. I didn't want the kids seeing me in a limo after school so I changed it to something less out there.
"Hey" and with that he rolled up the black screen ignoring my pained expression.
And finally there it is. The amazing avengers tower. I know I've been here a hundred times but it still amazes me.

Part one over. There might be a few parts to this so yea

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