Attacked (2)

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Chris's pov
"What's happening? Tom? That's not Tom that can't be fucking Tom!" I've never heard Zoe shout before
" miss, miss. It's not Tom it's Toms attacker. Tom has a 57% chance of survival the odds are with you"
You could hear as they started using the defibrillator and yelling clear. Then the second heart monitor started up again.
"Wait Toms attacker?! He was attacked? How come the attackers injured?" This time it was Ben.
" his dog defended him after Tom was stabbed"
"Aaah right so Toms alive that's good that's good" Zoe was trying her hardest to calm herself and all of us down.
out of the six of us only 2 have spoken the rest of us seem not to be able to talk. Tom is such a sweet lad he better live. And his family. Shit his family!
"I-i-I'm, im going to c-call his parents"

The phone rang three times before his mother picked up.
"Hello." Her sweet calm voice almost caused me to throw up. I shakily sat down on a log.
"Miss, I'm so sorry this is going to come as a bit of a shock to you but please d-don't freak out. Tom has, he's been, he well you see, he's in hospital. But he is stable and has a," i mouth -the percentage of him living what is it-
"70% chance of living. He's going to be fine I promise." Don't say promises you can't keep
"H-h-How the hell did my son end up in a friking hospital! Who the bloody hell did this to them I promise they'll be dead by tomorrow morning!! And don't you dare tell me to calm down. That's all everyone does these days when your in a crisis."
"The man who attacked Tom is also in the hospital and his heart flatlined a minute ago. He's all back up and running now but miss can I please ask you how you knew he was attacked?"
"My baby is a famous actor who plays a superhero he's not going to have been hit by a car someone clearly did that to him it doesn't take a genius to figure it out."
"Right okay" then it was clear you could hear her crying softly in the other side of the phone
"Keep me posted I'll be round by tomorrow"
"Stay safe"

Poor Tom. He looks in pain, he's unconscious but he looks in pain. His face is slightly scrunched in a carved face of grimace.  I wish I could be in his place. Any of us do. Toms to young to only have a bloody 57% chance of living. He should have 110% as impossible as that is. 
I shouldn't have told his mum that he had more of a chance of living than he did. I said 70 when he has less than 60. Ugh this is sick a mess up. I wish the guy who attacked Tom had died. No that's bad. If Tom has died then yes, they deserve to die but otherwise he's alive so we can watch him perish in jail for attempted murder.
Pom started talking to one of the people from the ambulances
"Sir would we be aloud to ride with you?"
"What all of you? No. One of you, okay guys not to big and muscular chose someone small, Ed need room to work on Tom."
"Zoe, your the best with people, do you what to go?"
Zoe looked surprised, it was mainly the boys who hang around with Tom and she wasn't expecting to be chosen
"Yea, yea we'll go. I'll take care of Tom. Don't worry boys and Pom."

Zoe's pov
I'm angry, anger is my main emotion. After anger it's worried then more anger then sadness. Who the hell would ever do that to someone as amazing as to , I don't often talk to Tom personally but he is the sweetest kid I know. He's 19 I don't know if that counts as a kid but he's a year of.
Why am I worrying about his age when he's dying if the hospital bed! No he's not dying he's just in pain.
It's really awkward just sitting in here watching them work on Tom. We don't know what's wrong with him. We probably should have asked that.  But how's a bit to late. There under to much pressure to keep him alive.
I think he's awake, he keeps living his hands and his expression changes when the doctors put needles in him or touches his injuries. I would hold his hand but I don't want to get in the way so I'm just sitting in the corner breathing words of comfort to both Tom and the people working around him.
Toms gonna make it. He wouldn't even die with only a 10% change of survival.

This is going to be a bit longer than some of the others but oh well.

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