5 days of holiday (3)

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Toms pov
I wake up to the sound of movement. As I open my eyes I am happy to see the blinds are still closed. Mark was still asleep while chad just went to have a shower. I'm hungry. Well I haven't really eaten anything except a sandwich yesterday on the beach. So breakfast it is.

My bed creeks as I get up and my head starts to throb along with the rest of my body aching. I'm glad I brought pain meds Incase of one of my migraines. This will all calm down and I'll have a normal next 3 days.

Today was pretty warm and I'm hopeful I'm no longer hypothermic. I put on a blue t-shirts and swimming shorts. I'm pretty sure some people slept on the beach so maybe there already up. I wonder if I could surf. I've only ever surfed like 3 times and I'm not that good at it but it's fun. Maybe I'll start of with body boarding

I left the room and wandered to the food place. I don't really know what to call it. It sells food In the Morning but it looks more like a bar. Whatever it is I'm getting food either way so I don't care what it's called.

"Hello. What can I get you Tom?" It gets kinda weird when people know my name before I tell them it. I prefer 'sunny' or 'lad'

"Hi, can I have a cheese toasty please?" He turned around and yelled
"cheese toasty. Okay that will be $6.50" oh no. I forgot the American money at home. How can I remember pain meds and not money. Okay so no breakfast.

"If I give you £5.20 can you take that? It's the same but you know...British money. I forgot mine at home." He looked thoughtful for a moment

"I'm sorry but that'll cost a little more for changing the money to dollars."

"Cancel the toasty sorry to waste your time sir"

"It's okay I'll eat it myself. Goodbye lad" right as well just head to the beach and eat a sandwich. The sandwiches aren't so bad. Maybe a bit full of sand tho.

This time as I approach the beach no one is swimming or running around on the sand. A few blobs were laying still on the sand. Wouldn't the water of covered them over? Maybe the tide doesn't go so far out. Maybe there dead. Okay let's hope it's the first one.

One of the sun umbrellas has blown away and they've moved in there sleep. Chris is cuddling Ben and Rob is face down in the sand. I can see a few of the guys surfboards. I forgot one of those to. For goodness sake I'm so forgetful. I'll just swim or they'll lend me there's. Maybe rob will lend me his I mean he did make me loose precious hours of sleep.

Maybe I could bury one of them. I'll bury robo. Sweet revenge. I dump my phone and wallet on the ground as I prepare myself to start burying. I didn't see any spares around so I just started digging with my hands. He was slowly being buried.

Slowly Chris, Ben, Zoe, Bradley, Liz, seb and Anthony woke up. They all watch amused. Until finally rob opens his eyes. Now his whole back and legs are covered in sand.

"Wha..? Tom you little rascal!" He tries to break free but the mountain on his back delays his reaction and I get a good head-start into the water. Before I know it we're all in the water splashing each other.

By the time I look back at the beach we were a longer way away then I thought. I noticed my feet no longer pouching the floor a while ago but I didn't expect to be this far out. I wonder how many jellyfish are out here. I was stung by one once. I hate those things.

"Who wants to get the surfboards?" I chorus of cheers was heard as Liz, Zoe and Bradly go to get the boards. Now that I thunk about it I'd prefer jut to swim around right now. Once everyone returns with 6 boards I'm left with seb and Anthony just swimming round in the deeper water.

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