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My Patients Fall in Love With Me 

Arc 1: Teacher, I Wanna Sleep With You

Please read: This is MTL, so there may be lots of grammar mistakes. Just remember that MC and ML are male so their pronouns are he/his/him.

Chapter 1:

/Jingling~/  get out of class bell rang, and Pei Lu walked out with the book in his arms.

It was summer and the weather was hot. As soon as Pei Lu came out of the classroom, his back was soaked wet, and his forehead was sweaty. Under the sunlight, his complexion became paler and more transparent.

The AI ​​kept thinking in his mind, [Dear~ your hunger index has exceeded the critical value. If you don't replenish energy, you will be hungry~]

"Who's to blame for this?!" Pei Lu's forehead jumped with blue veins. He took a deep breath and strode forward with his two hungry, trembling legs.

This was simply the most nonsense mission he had ever done. Before even finding the mission target, he was facing the situation of fainting from hunger.

AI is still talking, [Dear~ Are you okay? Do you need me to sing a song with you to cheer up?]

Speaking of which, he actually sang a song!

[Xiaolongbao char siew buns with milk yellow sesame bean paste, big pork cabbage buns and soup dumpling buns~~~]

AI's electronic voice sings with a straight face, which is not good, but the content of the song makes Pei Lu's saliva quickly secrete! The stomach that has not eaten for three days has no strength to growl. It twitches a few times with difficulty, and a burst of stomach acid surges up.

Pei Lu walked to the side of the road and retched a few times, covered his surging stomach, and was sweating coldly on his back.

This is too embarrassing, Pei Lu thought before fainting.

When Pei Lu woke up, he was already in the infirmary.

He was lying on a white hospital bed with a needle in his wrist. The liquid in the hanging bottle should be glucose. Although it could not relieve his hunger, it made his body feel much better.

[Damn, you finally woke up!] the AI's electronic voice exclaimed, [I thought you couldn't wake up.]

"..." Pei Lu gritted his teeth and warned viciously: "666, if you continue to do it, if you do it again, I will cut you off the Internet and let you watch some more brainless dramas!"

"..." 666 closed his mouth aggrievedly and went to hang up crying.

Pei Lu's mind finally calmed down.

666 is the intelligent AI he applied in the real world. When he invades the mental world of the patient, it can help him collect information about the world in which he is located and find treatment targets. At the same time, AI is also a kind of external monitoring of the therapist, so as to prevent the therapist from causing malicious harm to the patient's spiritual world.

Pei Lu went through the world information from 666 in his mind, and finally understood why he fainted from hunger as soon as it came in.

The original owner of this body is Meng Xiaoyue, twenty-two years old, a student of the first year of the oil painting department of Y University.

Meng Xiaoyue's parents divorced, and he lived with his mother when he was very young. When he was eighteen years old, his mother died of a heart attack. Fortunately, his mother took precautions and left a considerable amount of inheritance to Meng Xiaoyue. The reason why Meng Xiaoyue can still afford the expensive art department.

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