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Arc 4 

Pick Up A Husband (2)

Zombies are not afraid. In such a wild country, there is no living thing except for this man who is no different from the dead.

This kind of unknown darkness made Pei Lu feel scared.

Pei Lu exhaled carefully, and lay down next to Zhao Mu. The warmth of the man's body was transmitted through the skin that was touching, which finally made Pei Lu feel at ease.

His stomach was very hungry, and there was not a trace of light outside in the darkness. He didn't dare to go out to find food at this time, so he could only lie down, ignoring Gululu's stomach.

He originally thought that he would not be able to sleep, but whoever suddenly came to such an apocalypse where zombies are rampant, was chased by zombies all the way and was hungry, he would not be able to sleep.

But just after Pei Lu lay down for a while, his relaxed mind was instantly overwhelmed by the surging exhaustion.

He is too tired.

In the room where he couldn't reach his five fingers, Pei Lu snorted, rolled himself into a ball, and rolled into Zhao Mu's arms.


Pei Lu was woken up by the heat. The doors and windows of the room were tightly closed, and there was no ventilation. The high heat around him surrounded him, like a large closed oven. The pores all over his body swelled open, and the sizzling air came out. Oil and sweat.

The sky was already turning over, Pei Lu rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up, but found that he couldn't get up at all.

Half of Zhao Mu's body was pressed against him, his face was buried in his neck, and the hot breath he exhaled sprayed on his neck, causing him to shiver.

have a fever.

Pei Lu pulled the person away from him with all his strength. Zhao Mu was turned over by him. He lay limp face up. His tough face was burning red. Pei Lu pressed his hand against his forehead, which was hot .

"He has a fever."

Pei Lu was a little at a loss, the deserted village, the sky had not yet fully lit up, and the outside world was completely unknown.

"What to do..." Pei Lu muttered to himself, and tried to push him twice, but there was no response.

666 was also worried, [First look in several rooms to see if there is any water or medicine.]

Pei Lu's mind became a mess. He looked at Zhao Mu, who was ignorant of the fire on the bed, and then looked at the sky outside, and he gritted his teeth and walked out of the room.

After locking the door of the room, Pei Lu opened the curtains, and the dim light illuminated the room. He followed the rooms one by one in the dim light.

Every room was messy. It seemed that the owner of the house left in a hurry after a fierce battle. Pei Lu rummaged through the closet and drawers carefully, and put away useful things when he found them.

In addition to the master bedroom where they live, the first floor is the kitchen. There is also a very spacious main room in the bathroom. Pei Lu rummaged in the kitchen and found half a tank of moldy water.

The water tank is very large and covered with moss. On the surface, the water is still clear, but no one knows how long the water has been kept. Pei Lu didn't dare to use it casually. He saw the gas stove on the side and tried to beat it. making a fire.

After a few hits, there was no fire. Pei Lu kicked the gas canister in a hurry. The gas canister shook, and the muffled sound of "bang" when it fell to the ground was particularly harsh in a quiet room.

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