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Arc 2 

I'm going to **** you even if I became a ghost (9)

Qu Luocheng dashed all the way up the mountain, and the red robe pulled out a strange afterimage in the dark night.

The half moon gap in the sky is getting smaller and smaller, and it will soon be the full moon.

Qu Luocheng let out a long roar, and the deep roar echoed far away in the forest, not like a human voice, but more like the roar of a beast. The sharp black nails popped out uncontrollably, Qu Luocheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and red light flashed across his black eyes from time to time.

Standing on the mountainside, he cocked his nose to carefully distinguish the smells coming from all directions. After sniffing carefully for a while, he slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and his protruding fangs looked even more hideous against the cold moon.

The mountain on the edge of the town is very big. The ruined temple where Pei Lu and the others lived before was just a small bun in the mountains. Going further south, there are even more majestic mountains, surrounded by peaks and steep terrain. There are many hidden inside. Evil villains.

Qu Luocheng followed the breath in the wind all the way and quickly found the food for tonight.

A group of three people, led by a man holding a scantily clad woman in his arms, sat around the fire, drinking and discussing plans for tomorrow.

Qu Luocheng was hidden in the shadows, quietly listening to them, listening to what they said. I was going to do a big business in the past two days, so I came here tonight to step on the spot, familiar with the terrain, and in the arms of the leader. The woman, it was they who caught sight of and snatched it halfway.

There was a breeze blowing in the mountains, and strands of cold air drifted away with the wind. The woman shivered from the cold, and the big man in the lead had his shirt open. When the cold wind blew, he was also a little cold, cursing and softening the woman. He let his body fish in his arms, "Why is this bitch's weather so cold all of a sudden?"

The two subordinates followed suit, and no one noticed the figure in the shadow...

Qu Luocheng's eyes were completely red at the moment, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and an unbearable gasping sound came out of his mouth, and he had already endured it to the limit...


The big man at the head noticed the abnormal breathing sound, and immediately stood up alertly. The woman in his arms was thrown to the ground by him without pity, his forehead hit the rough stone, and a long wound was drawn.

The smell of blood fills the air,

Qu Luocheng slowly walked out of the shadows, dressed in red, which was dazzling and strange in the dark night. When a few people saw his sharp fangs and dark claws, there was only horror in their hearts.

"You, are you a human or a ghost?"

The two men closest to him instinctively took a few steps back, exposing the big man at the head.

There was a bloodthirsty smile on Qu Luocheng's mouth, and the red light in his eyes was even brighter. He looked at them like a group of insignificant ants, and walked forward without caring.

"Run!" The big man in the lead grabbed the woman on the ground and threw it at Qu Luocheng, then ran down the mountain without looking back. There were also legends of ghosts and monsters in the mountains before, but no one had ever met them, and neither did they. Seriously, I just didn't expect the idea to come across this time.

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