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Last World (10)

The inexplicable selection of the base made Jin Ming's mood a little impetuous. It was not until he went home and saw Pei Lu's quiet back that this anxiety calmed down.

Pei Lu was sitting at the wrought iron table on the balcony, and the sunlight cast a furry halo on his body, and even his cheeks were covered with small and soft bristles, like a small brush, scratching heavily in Jin Ming's heart.

He walked over lightly and dropped a light kiss on his head, "What are you looking at?"

Pei Lu spread out the book and showed it to him. On the white paper was a colored anatomical map of the human body, "Anatomy map."

The straightforward anatomy of the human body really doesn't create an ambiguous atmosphere, so Jin Ming calmly changed the subject, "We may have to go out after a while."

"Where to?" Pei Lu turned to look at him.

Jin Ming surrounded him from behind. As soon as Pei Lu turned around, the two were very close. Jin Ming couldn't help pinching his face again, "Not sure yet, the mission of the base."

Pei Lu nodded, "I'll pack up when I'm sure." He whispered, as if Jin Ming would go wherever he went.

Jin Ming likes Pei Lu's cute look best for them in the future, so he can't help pinching his chin and kissing him again.

Pei Lu subconsciously wanted to struggle, and pursed his lips tightly to prevent Jin Ming from succeeding.

Jin Ming patiently traced along his lips, and in a low voice coaxed him to open his mouth, "Good...I want to kiss you..."

Pei Lu's heart trembled, his thick eyelashes fell down to cover his eyes, and he finally opened his mouth obediently...

On the other side that Jin Ming couldn't see, the two officers Jin Jia who had participated in the selection were in the office.

The major stared at the terminal and frowned: "This mission is very dangerous, and the marshal will not agree to it."

The lieutenant colonel was older, he shook his head, "Whether the marshal agrees or not, we always have to report it first."

The major nodded and silently waited for the reply from the Marshal's Mansion.

When it was getting dark, the major's terminal finally rang.

The major was taken aback for a moment, and like a lieutenant colonel, he shook the call request interface of the terminal before he clicked to connect.

The serious and upright face of the old marshal appeared on the screen.

The two saluted, "Marshal."

The old marshal nodded and said to the major, "I read the message you sent..."

There was tension in the major's eyes, and he was ready to be reprimanded.

But he didn't expect the old marshal to change the subject and said, "If he wants to go, let him go, he should also exercise."

The major frowned, this time the mission was not Jin Ming's initiative to participate, and the risk factor was indeed very high. He thought that the old marshal had not read his report carefully, so he couldn't help reminding again: "This mission is an order from the base. , and is likely to be life-threatening."

The old marshal frowned and seemed to be thinking. After a while, he seemed to have made a serious decision.

"Jin Ming has also grown up. This time, he secretly concealed his identity and went to Hai Enxing. He must be taught a lesson..."

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