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Arc 5 

Domineering Boss Loves Me (10)

After the two of them finished their meal, the inexplicable sour water in Pei Lu's heart finally calmed down and walked with Shen Feng.

He held Shen Feng in one hand and the leash of the silly dog ​​in the other.

Fat Ball is almost four months old, he is fed fat and strong, and his body size is about to catch up with an adult dog. When the two owners are not at home, he is a dog running upstairs and downstairs like crazy, the garden and the The sofas on the first floor were all damaged.

In a fit of anger, Pei Lu tied him up with a dog leash, euphemistically called the **** of love.

But obviously the stupid dog couldn't bear Pei Lu's deep fatherly love. The dog leash was tied around his neck like an angel with broken wings, and he was dragged behind by Pei Lu.

Dogs are gray.

However, no one cared about its little emotions, and the silly dog ​​was ignored again.

Holding hands by Shen Feng, Pei Lu was still thinking about the sour water that he had just taken, and he couldn't save his face and said that he would do nothing if he ate a little vinegar. His eyes rolled around, and his hands became restless. He stretched out a finger and scratched in Shen Feng's palm.

Shen Feng's temples throbbed suddenly, and he clenched his restless hand tightly. The rough calluses on the palm of his hand made the back of Pei Lu's hand itchy, and his heart also tickled.

The garden is very big. They walked for a while before they were halfway there. There was the fragrance of flowers in the air. The stupid dog was dissatisfied with being ignored. He pretended to be dead and paralyzed on the ground and refused to move. , simply threw the dog leash away, with the other hand behind his back, ready to move.

Shen Feng's eyes darkened, and he put his hand in his pocket, "Go back?"

Pei Lu pretended to look at the flowers on the other side and said softly, "Okay."

So the two held hands and continued to walk forward. The surrounding air became hot, and the fresh floral fragrance seemed to be sticky. Pei Lu glanced at it unnaturally, and saw the stupid dog on the ground who was pretending to be dead. He stood up and saw that the two masters left him alone, grabbed the dog leash on the ground and ran away.

Pei Lu: "..."

The ambiguous atmosphere was suddenly broken, Pei Lu coughed lightly, and followed Shen Feng to the villa calmly.

As for what they are going to do after they go back, the two of them are tacit.

This time, Shen Feng was unusually gentle and patient. The two kissed for a while, and went to take a bath out of breath. After running around outside all day, they were not really clean.

Pei Lu was soaking in the bathtub, while Shen Feng was rinsing under the shower head. The clear water hit the strong muscles/flesh, and then slowly slid down the deep mermaid lines on both sides of the body.

Shen Dazhuang held his head high to show his sense of existence. Pei Lu was embarrassed to look at it at first, but after scrubbing himself for a while, he soon couldn't help the visual temptation/temptation, and glanced little by little from the corner of his eyes.Shen Dazhuang seemed to have sensed his gaze, his body stood upright, his skin glowing red from the hot water.

Enjoying his lover's gaze, Shen Feng was full of joy from body to heart. He carefully cleaned his body, then walked to the bathtub, pointed to the two bruises left by Pei Lu, and said to Pei Lu, "You do it. from."

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