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Arc 5 

Domineering Boss Loves Me (2)

The girls wore elegant dresses with small stand-up collars, and the exposed necks were slender. The girl's skin is very white, especially next to Shen Feng, the visual contrast between the two is more obvious. Shen Feng next to him is a human-shaped chocolate.

The pretty girl obviously wanted to eat this piece of chocolate, and from time to time she raised her head slightly to talk to Shen Feng. Every angle seemed to be carefully calculated and pleasing to the eye.

Shen Feng walked beside the girl without talking, and could not see her expression clearly from Pei Lu's point of view.

Pei Lu wanted to scold someone angrily, and the acid in his stomach came out one after another.

The figures of the two gradually disappeared around the corner. Shen Feng seemed to look sideways and looked back. Pei Lu closed the window angrily and didn't see it.

After half an hour, the door of the room rang. Pei Lu thought it was delivering food, so he opened the door, but was swept up in the face by Shen Feng's masculinity.

In this world, Shen Feng was full of male hormones. He was tall and his bronze-colored muscles were smooth and vigorous, exuding a seductive aura.

Pei Lu was no longer a fledgling chick who had never been hired before. He was dazed by Shen Feng's fascination.

But Shen Feng didn't recognize him and went with the other women.

The sour water in Pei Lu's heart began to grunt again. He glared at the man and slammed the door, ready to shut him out.

angry, do not want to see.

Shen Feng never expected to come up on a whim to see the peeping kitten, and even closed the door, he raised his hand against the door, his face dark.

The subordinates behind him were frightened, almost thinking that he would burst into flames in the next second, and went in and crushed the unfortunate child into scum.

The door closed behind him.

Shen Feng walked up to Pei Lu with a sullen face and looked at him condescendingly, "Aren't you going to say something?"

Pei Lu was still angry and very unhappy. He didn't accept the steps the man gave him. He said, "I don't want to talk to you now."

Shen Feng: "..."

He frowned, "Fuck!"

Pei Lu was even more unhappy, talking and laughing with other girls, turned his head in front of him, and said "fuck".

Pei Lu was holding a book and pretending to read it, but in fact, he was jotting down a small notebook in his heart, preparing to count it with the man one by one in the future.

Shen Feng is still playing his prestige. He climbed up from the bottom. He has experienced a lot of bullets, and his heart has long been trained to be as hard as steel. When he is used to the superior, his temper will not be good, but even at such a young age. In front of things, he was reluctant to move a finger.

What a **** hell.

Especially when I was rushing to put my hot face on my cold butt.

He narrowed his eyes, squeezed Pei Lu's chin with his fingers, and forced him to raise his head, "Little friend..."

Pei Lu glared at him, the man's hands were too strong and his fingers were rough, it hurt him to pinch.

Shen Feng opened his mouth, "Your book... got it upside down."

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now