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The Little Sweetheart of The Actor (18)

Mu Xiu took the clothes in his hand, picked him up by his armpits and put him on the bed, "Sit down, I'll clean up."

Pei Lu had an unhappy expression on his face, and he remembered as soon as his legs were on the ground. Mu Xiu pressed his head to let him sit back, slipped his palms on the back of his neck, and squeezed the soft leather there, "Don't make trouble."

Pei Lu's neck shrank, like a restrained cat. He sat down obediently and watched Mu Xiu dig out the stuff in the full box.

Mu Xiu frowned, Pei Lu was not a person with strong hands-on ability, his suitcase was full of messes, Mu Xiu had to take it out one by one, and then put it in neatly.

Don't need all the things you don't need, and just fill a suitcase with the necessary clothes.

Pei Lu watched in amazement as he stuffed the two suitcases into one suitcase, and one jumped on his back, "You're awesome!"

Mu Xiu squatted on the ground, supported him with his hands and stood up, "Go take a shower first, tomorrow's plane, rest early today."

Pei Lu smiled coquettishly, "Help me wash."

Mu Xiu's brows jumped, but he couldn't resist such a temptation, saying that it was probably impossible to go to bed early and get up early.


The next day, Pei Lu was indeed carried into the car. It was too late last night. When Mu Xiu called him to get up, he was dizzy and couldn't open his eyes. Mu Xiu had to wipe his face with a towel, put on his clothes, and then carried him directly to the airport.

Pei Lu only woke up when he boarded the plane.

The two walked in together hand in hand, and in more than ten hours, they would return to the familiar land.


The plane arrived at the destination the next afternoon. In order not to cause a stir among fans, the news of their return was not told to anyone, not even Chu Hong.

After calling him, he went straight home. When he got on the bus, the taxi driver stared at the two of them, especially Mu Xiu, for a long time. It was estimated that their attitude was too magnanimous, and the big star would not even be a pick-up person. No, although the driver felt familiar, he didn't take it seriously, and even joked with Pei Lu, "Little brother, your friend really looks like that movie star, but your friend is much younger, maybe in the future You can also be a big star."

"..." Pei Lu smirked and glanced at Mu Xiu, who had no expression on his face, "Hahaha, you think so too, many people have said that."

The driver got a response, and immediately became more enthusiastic, chatting with Pei Lu enthusiastically.

Driver: "You friend, blah blah blah..."

Pei Lu: "Hahahaha yes yes yes..."

Mu Xiu: ... :)

On the way from the airport to the house, Pei Lu and the driver never stopped talking. When they got off the bus, the driver obviously hadn't had a good time chatting. It's a pity that he charged Pei Lu five yuan less.

Pei Lu: o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Mu Xiu snorted from his nose, his eyes were evil when he looked at him, "Go home."

Pei Lu smiled brightly and took the initiative to hold his hand and go home together.


Chu Hong's wedding was on May 20, and there was still half a month before. Pei Lu dragged Mu Xiu around the streets to find delicious food. He felt that his tongue was about to degenerate every day in the Netherlands. Now that I'm back in the country, I can't wait to eat ten meals a day without stopping.

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