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Pick Up A Husband (20)

That evening, after Xie Yige routinely went to the deep pit for inspection, he rushed back to the base to deal with other matters, but as soon as he left his forefoot, the group of zombies with their rear feet suddenly became frantic, and began to rush into the defensive fence with a roar.

The guards didn't take it seriously at first. The iron fence was specially reinforced, and the zombies couldn't rush in. However, the fact is: a tall and thin zombie suddenly appeared in the zombie army. It only pushed gently, The base was built up and the defense was overwhelmed.

The roaring zombies surged up like a flood, and the quick-response ability users survived, but a considerable part of them were drowned by the zombie army without any preparation.

When the surviving power users fled back to report the news, the zombie army was only a few hundred meters away from the base.

Countless zombies surrounded the base, plus the mutant zombies who had been hiding in the dark, the base was panicked, the old and weak women and children retreated underground again, and everyone else joined the battle.

This battle is far more cruel than they imagined. The mutant zombies have a minimum level of six. He mixed in with ordinary zombies and opened a gap while the base was unprepared.

Countless zombies poured into the base along the gap. Fortunately, except for those who participated in the battle, others had already withdrawn into the ground, otherwise so many zombies would pour in, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

With the first gap, there will be a second one. The protective cover of the base is like a cracked eggshell, with more and more holes on it, even Xie Yige and the others can't stand it.

But no one could find the mutant zombie. The zombie is said to be exactly the same as ordinary zombies. It was mixed in a huge group of zombies, making it impossible for people to start.

They thought about it, and finally they could only ask Zhao Mu for help.


"Don't go."

Pei Lu was taking a nap upstairs. Recently, his spirit is getting worse and worse, his appetite is not good, and his hair has started to fall out. Zhao Mu's heart is going crazy, but he still pretends that nothing has happened every day. Appears to accompany Pei Lu.

Pei Lu didn't have a good appetite today. Zhao Mu specially made chicken shredded porridge. The thick white porridge was tumbling in the pot with a tempting aroma. The kitchen was full of steam, and there was warmth and tranquility everywhere, which was incompatible with the tension outside.

"It doesn't take long, just find the mutant zombie." Xie Yige lowered his stance, his tone was sincere, and his expression was tired and helpless. He is a shrewd person who values ​​the interests of his small group, but also has bottom lines and integrity. , in the life and death of the base, he can put down all face and dignity and beg Zhao Mu to help them.

But Zhao Mu is not a talkative person. He turned off the fire and poured the porridge from the small pot into the bowl. His expression was gentle, but his words were ruthless, "Last time, when I left him, he suffered Injury, this time, I will not let him have any possibility of being hurt again."

He turned his face and glanced at Xie Yi Ge lightly, "I won't leave him alone."

Xie Yige's lips closed, and he wanted to persuade him again, but Zhao Mu had already carried the porridge, leaving him alone in the empty living room.


Upstairs, Pei Lu was already awake. He was leaning on the back of the bed. His face was pale and his lips were red.

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