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Last World (12)

The newly born little monster is still very fragile, but instinctively has the consciousness of a beast, hissing sound came from his throat, his mouth cracked into four like a worm mouthpart, and his sharp teeth were biting fiercely at the researcher. on the protective suit.

Protected by protective clothing, the newly born little monsters could not harm them at all. The researcher skillfully tore the monsters from their arms and placed them beside the icy mother.

The little monster had just been taken out of the mother's body, and the body was still stained with bright red blood and amniotic fluid. The liquid mixed together and flowed down his body.

The researcher recorded various data on the side, tapped lightly on the record book with the pen in his hand, and locked his eyes firmly on the little monster on the experimental bench, as if waiting for something.

Ten minutes passed, and the viscous liquid on the little monster had dried up, covering its body like an ugly scar.

The little monster seemed to be adapting to the new environment. He was crawling anxiously on the bed, his four-lobed mouthparts opened, and he screamed in anger, and his unsharp claws scratched **** the experimental bench.

The skin on it had turned blue-purple.

Another ten minutes passed, and the little monster's movements became sluggish, its eyes widened, and it lay weakly on the experimental table, and there was a faint hissing sound in its throat.

"Twenty-six minutes and forty-nine seconds, it failed again."

The researcher who had been recording the observation by the side muttered to himself. He seemed to be very disappointed and threw the notebook again, and never looked at the failed product that was dying on the experimental bench.

The little monster's body had already turned purple, and his eyes were bigger than before, as if he had suffered great pain.

The researcher seemed very unhappy, he turned around anxiously, and then opened the door to let the people waiting outside come in, "Failed another one, deal with it, and prepare a new matrix."

The outsider replied cautiously, "Yes, Doctor."

Only then did Jin Ming, who had been observing secretly, know that this seemingly young researcher turned out to be the head of the laboratory, Dr. M.

The test bench was cleaned as quickly as possible.

The young doctor patrolled the lab, and after everyone exited, he gently flipped a hidden button on the edge of the test bench.

In the center of the laboratory, next to the test bench, a glass cover was slowly raised.

There was a man sleeping in the glass cover, looking at the face of nearly thirty years old, slender, with a thin layer of muscle attached to his bones.

Looks like just an ordinary person.

But when the doctor saw the man in the glass cover, intense excitement burst out in his eyes, he rubbed his hands and circled around the glass cover, his expression was full of enthusiasm.

"What a perfect piece of work..."

The doctor murmured softly, and finally, shaking his hand, pressed the button on the glass cover.

A white smoke filled the glass cover, which soon filled the entire cover, and the man sleeping inside also opened his eyes.


With the doctor's light call, the man's eyes were filled with bright red, like a sleeping beast awakened, slammed into the glass cover fiercely.

The doctor took a few steps back in horror, and when he realized that the glass cover was made of the hardest material in the empire, and the man couldn't get out at all, he smiled at ease.

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now