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Arc 2 

I'm going to **** you even if I became a ghost (19)

The old Taoist gave Pei Lu a bottle of medicinal herbs.

The medicinal herbs were packed in bright red bottles in white porcelain bottles, and they looked pretty good.

It's just that this pill looks good, but it doesn't taste good at all. Pei Lu's body is on fire, and his body is steaming with indescribable heat.

The old Taoist said that this bottle of pills was made of blaze grass growing on the edge of the volcano. Pei Lu took one pill a day for seven, seven and forty-nine days to make up for his lack of yang energy.

But the scumbag Taoist did not tell him that the medicine would have side effects.

Pei Lu felt the awakening of a certain part of his body, and his whole body was screaming and wanting, and his brain was a little confused due to the high temperature.

Pei Lu tossed pancakes on the bed, the sweat on his back soaked the bedding, but in the cold and windy winter, he was sweating profusely. Not daring to disturb Qu Luocheng, Pei Lu carefully lifted the quilt, ready to go outside to calm down, but as soon as he sat up, before his feet landed, he was hugged by Qu Luocheng.

"what are you going to do?"

Qu Luocheng's voice was still full of drowsiness, but the arm that embraced him was firm and strong, and... cold.

so comfortable...

Pei Lu instinctively rubbed, and hummed comfortably.

Qu Luocheng: ...? ? ? ?

As soon as he turned Pei Lu over, he saw his flushed face and the abnormally high temperature on his body.

"You have a fever?" Qu Luocheng pressed him to himself and touched his forehead. The temperature of his forehead was astonishingly hot.

Pei Lu was stunned by his low temperature, and he couldn't feel comfortable all over his body. He couldn't help but put his whole body on it, groaning comfortably with his hot body nestled in his arms.

"You're sick." Qu Luocheng stretched his hand to the crook of his leg, wanting to pick him up and see the doctor.

"No," said Pei Lu Qingming a little, and hurriedly fell down to prevent him from picking him up. His burning and confused mind struggled twice, and said slowly: "I don't have a fever, it's just that At Fat Dun'er's house... eat, eat something..."

Qu Luocheng frowned, "What did you eat, how did you burn it like this?"

Pei Lu was already a little confused, he put a post on his chest again, and said with a silly smile, "Aphrodisiac!"

"..." Qu Luocheng took a deep breath and picked him up again, "You're confused, I'll take you to see the doctor."

"I don't!" When Pei Lu heard that he was going to see the doctor, he immediately struggled fiercely, like a fish about to be slaughtered, twisting around in Qu Luocheng's arms.

Qu Luocheng almost didn't hug him, frowned and patted his **** gently, "Be obedient."

Pei Lu suddenly stopped moving, lying in his arms and feeling aggrieved, his little voice became hoarse, "You hit me."

If it wasn't for this grinning spirit still holding both hands, Qu Luocheng would have almost held down his throbbing temple.

Realizing that people who burn confused are unreasonable, he picked up the demon Pei Lu and went out, but Pei Lu who took the medicine obviously wouldn't be so obedient, he felt that this person was holding him out Go, he is not happy.

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now