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Arc 2 

I'm going to **** you even if I became a ghost (15)

Pei Lu couldn't move because of him, his eyes were rolling around, but he didn't dare to look at Qu Luocheng. He just couldn't react for a while, and he blurted out such a shameful title.

Qu Luocheng smiled lowly, looking around at him but didn't dare to look back at his face, "Wife?"

Pei Lu's face turned red, and the white and tender ears were full of blood, and he almost shyly curled up into a ripe shrimp, "You, what are you yelling?!"

"You called me husband, so of course you're my wife," Qu Luocheng pressed his lips to his ear, and the slight touch between his words made Pei Lu tremble ashamed.

"I coaxed the old Taoist out of desperation," Pei Lu searched his stomach to find a reason for himself.

"But...I'm serious." Qu Luocheng raised his chin, and his affectionate eyes made Pei Lu unavoidable. He went on to say, "Even if you regret it...it's too late."

As he spoke, he kissed hard, and Pei Lu was forced to lift his face to accept his aggression. Qu Luocheng's kissing skills had already been practiced, and his flexible and powerful tongue stirred in his mouth, entangling the tip of Pei Lu's tongue. dance with him...

A thunderstorm sounded outside the cave, and a brief light illuminated the cave. Pei Lu instinctively hugged Qu Luocheng's neck and indulged with him...

The dense raindrops crashed down. Pei Lu was like a small boat sailing in the wind and waves. The small wooden boat was bumped up and down by the huge waves. , even the last bit of dry place was not spared, the small wooden boat was soaking wet, helplessly enduring the powerful scouring of the rain.

The thunder outside the cave was like a burst of thunder, and the cool wind from outside blew out the weak flames. In the darkness, Pei Lu gasped with his mouth open, and he couldn't even say the words to beg for mercy...

The little wooden boat wanted to escape from the center of the whirlpool, but the water was fast and the rain was getting heavier. He had no way out except to obey and sink with the whirlpool...

This situation and incident lasted for a long time, until the clouds and rain stopped outside the cave, and the pink morning sun appeared, and Pei Lu was released.

He felt that he had been squeezed dry, leaving only the rough residue, barely able to support him and still be able to breathe.

Qu Luocheng took off his outer robe and carefully put it on him. The bright red clothes against the snow-white skin brought out a different kind of temptation. Not enough, he resisted the urge in his heart, and hugged his lover who had fallen asleep.

Pei Lu leaned in his arms in a daze, and rubbed his face aggrieved. His eyelids were a little red and swollen from crying, his temples were messed up, and a few strands of hair were randomly stuck to his cheeks by tears, looking extremely pitiful.

Qu Luocheng lovingly tucked his messy hair behind his ears, kissed his eyes comfortably, and carried him quickly towards Qu's house.

Back at Qu's house, the heater in the room hadn't been turned off, and the room was warm. Qu Luocheng took off the wind-blocking robe for him, and then covered the cold blanket to warm him before putting Pei Lu in.

During this period, Pei Lu opened his eyes and saw the familiar red shadow in a daze, so he fell back to sleep with peace of mind.

Qu Luocheng coaxed him to fall asleep, so he went to the kitchen to make a fire to boil water. There was nothing in the cave. Pei Lu was filled with stuff by him, and he was very messy. He couldn't just let him sleep like this.

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