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Arc 5 

Domineering Boss Loves Me (7)

The two went to have lunch sticky, and took a nap again. At 2:30 in the afternoon, the company's high-level meeting was held.

Pei Lu prepared the required documents for Shen Feng, and smoothed his wrinkled collar, "Okay."

Shen Feng wrapped his arms around his waist, slid down the curve, and patted his bulging buttocks, "Come with me."

Pei Lu glared at him and patted his hand, "You are going to a meeting, what am I going to do?" He pushed Shen Feng away in disgust, "It's time, hurry up."

Shen Feng was helpless, took his hand and walked out together, "You go and make meeting minutes for me, some of the top executives are American, help me to hear if they secretly scold me," Shen Feng pouted, "Those translators I'll only pick up nice things to say."

Pei Lu patted him, "What nonsense."

Shen Feng looked innocent, as if someone really scolded him for the translation but didn't tell him that Pei Lu had a fever because of his ears, so he had to keep up with him, "Okay, okay, let's go with you."

Li Jin, who came out with the record book in the next step, watched this scene with a gloomy expression. Zhang Mi was behind him and happened to see the interaction between the two. He couldn't help sighing: "Mr. Shen has a really good relationship with Mr. Xu."

Li Jin sneered and said in his heart that he was a bunny who sold his ass, where did he get his feelings?

After listening to Master Lu's words and grasping Shen Feng's heart, the entire Luming belongs to him, a master rabbit is nothing.

Zhang Mi didn't know what he was thinking, turned his head and instructed Li Jin: "Mr. Xu made a record for the first time, I'm worried that he won't, your record is as usual, if there is a problem with Mr. Xu, I will take you backup."

Li Jin snorted lightly, and lowered his eyes to see no emotion, "Got it."

The long table in the conference room was already full of people, all of whom were senior executives of the Luming Group.

Pei Lu took a quick glance, and sure enough, he saw two golden heads, which should be the crooked fruit executives that Shen Feng said often scolded him in American dialect.

Under everyone's attention, Shen Feng calmly walked to the vacated main seat and sat down.

Pei Lu took the remaining empty seat on his right, while Zhang Mi and Li Jin, who were following behind, took the seat at the end.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very serious, and everyone's expressions were very solemn, as if they were going to discuss some important matters related to the life and death of the group.

Pei Lu had no understanding of the company's operations. Shen Feng said that he asked him to take meeting minutes, so he opened the record sheet without a recording pen, and turned the phone to silent mode and turned on the recording function.

As the chairman of the board, Shen Feng was the first to start his speech. He was not a talkative person. His speech was short and powerful, his tone was calm and vigorous, his face was serious and his expression was cold and solemn, which was very different from the old hooligan/rogue in front of Pei Lu.

Pei Lu listened ignorantly for a while, but didn't quite understand it. Shen Feng seemed to want to cut off certain routes and then reintegrate them.

After he finished speaking, the conference room was like ice water dripping into a pot of quietly boiling hot oil, and the pot exploded immediately. The executives present were excited, and everyone had endless words to say.

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