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Last World (7)

Life at the base is flat but not boring. Jin Ming's fighting skills become more and more proficient under Chang's training. After Jin Ming became an adult at the age of eighteen, even Chang is no longer his opponent. Jin Ming, who has just grown up, has become a hunter. The well-deserved king of soldiers in the star base.

In addition to combat skills, Lao Chang will also teach him military strategy. With Jin Ming's family background, if he joins the military, he will never stop at the regional soldier king. What he has to do is to be the commander.

Jin Ming's comprehension and decision-making ability in military command still make Lao Changle close his mouth. In the past three years, he has taught him everything. Jin Ming is like a sponge, quickly absorbing the knowledge of Professor Lao Chang.

"I don't have anything to teach you." Chang Chang looked at this young man who was already taller than himself. Jin Ming stayed in the base for three years and grew from a childish boy to a man of iron blood. .

"What's your plan next?" Chang Chang asked casually.

"The border is at war." Jin Ming said, "I'm going to Hai Enxing."

A trace of complicated emotions flashed in Lao Chang's eyes. He personally brought out the soldiers, and it was time to go to the battlefield to test.

"The base will send troops to Haien Star to support. At the end of this month, you can go with you, or you can arrange it at home."

Lao Chang's eyes flickered. He hoped that Jin Ming could choose the former. If he went with the support army of Orion, Jin Ming was just a small soldier. What Jin Ming lacked now is actual combat. Can train people.

But he was not sure whether Jin Ming would like it or not. The Jin family controls the first army, and Ming Huafeng can also arrange a better position for him. No matter which Jin Ming chooses, it has a better future than following Orion's reinforcements.

"Let's go at the end of the month then." Jin Ming brushed his sweat dripping hair behind his head, his expression was flat, and it seemed that he had planned.

The old test got a satisfactory result, and he was very happy, "I really didn't see you wrong."

Jin Ming didn't feel anything. This was what he had planned in the morning, so he just waved his hand, left "I'm going back to prepare" and left.

Today, on the 20th, there are ten days left before the reinforcements leave at the end of the month. For the rest of the time, he is ready to take a good rest, and then take Pei Lu out to have a good time.

In the dormitory, Pei Lu was doing exercises on the mannequin. In three years, Jin Ming grew up, and he did not fall behind. He started self-study at the beginning, and then Jin Ming asked him about the places where military doctors did experiments in class. , he often sneaks in the past to observe and study.

Jin Ming didn't know where he got him a set of medical artificial mannequins. Pei Lu practiced against the model. After three years, he was able to handle various traumas proficiently.

"How long?" Jin Ming stood behind Pei Lu, the two of them were very close, his breath sprayed behind Pei Lu's sensitive ears as he spoke, causing Pei Lu's hand to shake, and he accidentally cut it crookedly.

"You're making trouble again!" Pei Lu was furious, turned and stared at Jin Ming fiercely but without any deterrence.

Jin Ming is already an adult, and he is a long head taller than him. When Pei Lu turned around, he didn't move. He deliberately got close to him, and said insincerely, "I'll pay attention next time."

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