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Chapter 5:

This person, Pei Lu, is sometimes embarrassed even when he is cowardly.

Before Meng Xiaoyue's father and stepmother came to the school, Pei Lu quickly asked the counselor for three days' leave, and then hid in Li's house.

There would definitely be no good thing for the couple to come to him, and Pei Lu didn't want to have unnecessary entanglements with them. The most important thing is that after taking over Meng Xiaoyue's body, Pei Lu did not deliberately imitate his character. More often, he was still Pei Lu.

If you collide with them, you might cause some unnecessary trouble.

666 disliked his retreating behavior very much. He watched too many episodes in TV dramas where he reversed his face and felt that at this time, Pei Lu should straighten his back and hit the couple. face, this is enough.

"I think it's time for you to kill the virus," Pei Lu mocked Li MAX. After I go back, I will apply for a comprehensive antivirus for you. "I suspect that you have been brainwashed by the virus."

[You just want to take revenge on me for saying that you are cowardly!] 666 was not afraid of the underworld forces and fought hard.

Pei Lu sneered, "I just want to take revenge on you, what's the matter?"

"..." The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, who confessed in 666 seconds, [Aiya~ it's not easy for everyone, so don't hurt each other, dear, give a five-star praise, dear~]

Pei Lu folded his arms around his chest, looking contemptuous. "Look at your performance."

666 fake cry, [Lu Lu, you have changed!

"..." Pei Lu rubbed his arms and dragged him into the blacklist mercilessly.

666: [!!] Angry to deform!

Pei Lu was going to stay in a hotel for a few days, but when he saw the weather forecast for the next week, he changed his mind.

After all, the purpose of his passing was to get close to the target and find a way to gain the target's trust. The thunderstorms in the next week would be the best chance to get close to Li Jun.

Li Jun has a deep psychological shadow on thunderstorms. When it rains, I will suffer from insomnia and anxiety all night long.

Others don't know the reason, but Pei Lu does. Li Qingyi protects the news so well that when there was so much news in the past, no one knew that the three kidnappers who claimed to have resisted arrest and were shot dead were actually killed by Li Jun.

Li Jun is a genius, but he is also a child. As a child, he will be afraid and afraid. He has never mentioned that incident for so many years, and Li Qingyi always thought he had forgotten it.

Only Pei Lu knew that he had been in fear all the time. From the age of seven to sixteen, there was fear and fear all the time.

The paintings Li Jun painted were asking for help. He was trapped in the rainy night when he was seven years old and could never get out.

The weather forecast was very accurate. On the second day Pei Lu moved into Li's house, the pattering rain and the occasional thunder never stopped.

The sky was covered with gray clouds, the raindrops were crackling on the ground, making a dull sound, the water vapor in the air was very thick, and the room was obviously dry, but looking at the tickling rain outside, the dampness seemed to soak into the cracks of the bones inside.

Li Jun languished all day, leaning against the window with one hand in a daze. The black pupils are foggy, like a deep well that can't be seen to the bottom. Pei Lu quietly stayed by his side, either painting or reading, quietly waiting for the night to come.

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