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Pick Up A Husband (13)

The army of zombies is like a crowded wave, surging forward layer by layer, low-level zombies have no thinking, even if there is an abyss in front of them, they will follow the smell of food without hesitation.


The first wave of the zombie army had reached the edge of the deep pit, but it still did not stop. The zombies at the back pushed the front, and fell into the deep pit dug by the ability user one after another like dumplings.

The people who were in ambush waited with bated breath. The big hole dug by the power of the people was still small compared to the huge army of zombies, but the zombies were unaware and slowly filled the hole layer by layer. At the bottom, there are still zombies trying to step on the body of their companions and climb up.

Zhao Mu watched the zombie army vigilantly, but did not notice the aura of the high-level mutant zombies, but the orderly zombies jumped down without hesitation as if they had been commanded.

Seeing that most of the huge pit has been filled, even if there are still doubts in the hearts of several high-level executives, they have to solve the current predicament first.


Xie Yige's voice came from the empty flat ground, and the zombies turned their heads in the direction of the voice, but before they could react, the bomb that ignited the lead had been accurately thrown into the zombie pit.

A huge roar sounded, and the pits filled with zombies were flying with flesh and blood. The bombs that had been buried in advance were ignited together. Not only did the zombies at the bottom of the pit blew flesh and blood, but also the giants that were dug up again. The pit was deep.

After a round of bombing, the stimulated zombies became even more mad. They instinctively pursued the taste of the food and moved forward. The power users who had already prepared, threw the bombs to the bottom of the pit again, and then waited for the zombies at the bottom of the pit to pile up again. Another round of explosions.


There are too many zombies...

Even if the bomb was thrown out desperately, it failed to blow up a large number of zombies. The original regular long pit had been blown into an irregular circle, and the bottom of the pit was covered with zombies' stumps and broken arms. The flames caused by the explosion were burning, and the unconscious zombies jumped into the pit one after another with their bodies covered in flames.

There is an unpleasant smell of scorched flesh everywhere on the battlefield... The sky has already darkened, and the drowsy sunset hangs in the sky, reflecting the tragic battlefield, full of unspeakable suffocation feel.

"It went so well..." Zhao Mu whispered to Xie Yige.

"The ability of mutant zombies does not stop there,"

"You haven't seen it before, do you know how mutant zombies are?" He Yao said sharply.

Zhao Mu shook his head and looked at the inexhaustible zombie army like locusts in the distance. His chest was full of strange excitement. He tried to suppress this untimely excitement. The setting sun shone into his eyes, making his eyes stained. A hint of bright red.

"I know......"

He whispered, "I've seen mutant zombies...it—"

"Able to disguise as a living person."

Zhao Mu turned his head to look at He Yao, the red eyes and the cold expression made He Yao feel cold all over, he just felt that this person was more terrifying than the countless zombie army behind him.

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