Real World

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It took Pei Lu three days to sort out the chaotic memory.

It was two different worlds and different people, but the images of men overlapped little by little in my memory. Except for the interference, they were surprisingly similar in certain habits and hobbies.

So is it possible that they...are one person?

Pei Lu rested his arms on his back, and his round eyes were narrow and slender, like a little fox that smelled.

He decided to start with 666 first, and it would definitely not work to ask directly.

666, who was guarding the door of the bedroom, sneezed violently.


Two days later, Pei Lu took 666 out.

666 followed his legs, and asked with a small tail, [Where are we going?] Pei Lu suddenly said that he was going to take him out to play, but he was so happy that 666 was active, but But Pei Lu was a dead man, so it would not be good to take him out twice a month.

This time, Pei Lu suddenly said that he was going to take him out. 666 was so excited that he didn't realize that he was being targeted.

Pei Lu took 666 to the bar. It was still during the day. There were not many people in the bar. Except for the music and two or three kittens, there was no one else. Even the waiters were lazy.

Pei Lu found a secluded corner and sat down. 666 was right across from him. The chair was a little short. 666 could only stand up and lean on the edge of the table to talk to Pei Lu. He was a little strange, [Do you like drinking?]

Pei Lu blinked his eyes and said with a very depressed look: "I don't know why, but I've always been very tired recently. Maybe it's too much pressure. Drinking some wine may relieve the pressure."

There was worry in 666's eyes, but he didn't know what to say, so he put his little head on the table sadly and sighed with Pei Lu.

"What would you two drink?" The waiter came over with the menu.

Pei Lu first asked the waiter to replace 666 with a high stool, and then began to order. He specially ordered two glasses of wine with a particularly high degree of alcohol, and 666 looked at him in horror.

The wine that Pei Lu ordered was quickly delivered.

He picked up a cup and took a sip, his long and thick eyelashes hung down like a fan, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow.

"666, plus this time, we have four missions, right?"

Pei Lu held the wine glass, rested his chin with one hand, and looked casual, as if he was mentioning it casually.

666 shook his tail, [Four.]

Pei Lu shook his glass and pouted, "I took four missions, but I haven't even seen the person being treated."

666 stared at him shaking the glass in his hand and licking his mouth, [Yes, obviously other therapists are face to face with the target.]

Pei Lu was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, but he quickly covered the rolling emotions in his eyes, "Am I the only one of these therapists who came over to do something special?"

He frowned and said unhappily, "What does Legion mean?"

666 saw his blushing face, thought he was drunk, and quickly said: [Don't be impulsive, I heard that the patients receiving treatment have a special identity, and it is not convenient to show up.]

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now