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The Little Sweetheart of The Actor (10)

The sound of tsk tsk didn't stop, Mu Xiu played with his tongue between his fingers for a while, then he couldn't help leaning down to kiss him again.

Pei Lu's remaining rationality was also burned by this almost confusing atmosphere. The most primitive impulse in his heart, eager to get closer, rushed out. He took the initiative and enthusiastic to hug Mu Xiu, and met his lips and teeth.

The two kissed each other out of breath, but neither of them wanted to let go first. Pei Lu hugged him eagerly, clinging to him, feeling the longing for each other.


The longing in his heart could not be relieved, and Pei Lu clings to Mu Xiu helplessly, tears flowing uncontrollably from his closed eyes.

"Be good baby, bear with it, there is nothing in the office, I'm afraid of hurting you."

Mu Xiu endured hard, and had to patiently appease the eager Pei Lu, his eyes were all red.

Pei Lu twisted around restlessly like a slippery fish, almost exhausting Mu Xiu's remaining willpower.


A crisp slap sounded, Pei Lu shook a little, and then cried out in gratitude because of the strong shame.

Mu Xiu beat him, although it didn't hurt, but such a punitive action was even more embarrassing.

The pit of grievance remained in his arms, and Pei Lu's eyes were red from crying, and his thick black eyelashes were wet with tears and drooped pitifully.

Mu Xiu gritted his teeth on his earlobe and warned him in a hoarse voice, "Be good, or I'll deal with you now."

Pei Lu shivered sensitively, picked him up obediently, and walked to the cubicle in the office...


The burning desire faded, and the reason to return to the cage appeared together with embarrassment. Pei Lu was held in Mu Xiu's arms, and his neat shirt was wrinkled like a pickle.

Mu Xiu took him in his arms with one hand, and slowly followed his back through the clothes with the other.

Pei Lu ostrich buried his head in his arms and pretended to be dead.

The ambiguous window paper was pierced. In the past, it could be said that Mu Xiu forced him, but this time, he couldn't say anything, because he took the initiative.

Recalling the scene just now, Pei Lu's face turned red, and he couldn't believe that he still looked like this. His enthusiastic and active request made him realize his inner self for the first time.

"I want to go back." Pei Lu murmured in a muffled voice, with a still lingering lingering in his voice.

"Okay." Mu Xiu moved and said hoarsely, "I'm going to take a shower."

Pei Lu buried his face on the sofa and said nothing.

No one knew better than him why Mu Xiu was going to take a bath. He glanced down at him three times, and Pei Lu shrank his neck in guilt.

Half an hour later, when Mu Xiu came out of the bathroom, his hair was fresh, his clothes were neat, and he had returned to his usual indifferent image.

Pei Lu slumped softly on the sofa and didn't want to move.

Mu Xiu took a hot towel, wiped his face and hands clean, took off his clothes, and put them in the washing machine to wash and dry.

Pei Lu broke the jar, and stopped putting it on. He was lying on the sofa wearing a pair of pants, and his thin white legs were swaying on the armrest of the sofa.

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