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Last World (4)

The banquet didn't end until ten o'clock. The guests had seen enough excitement, got the news they wanted, and finally left with satisfaction.

Jin Ming's hair was fixed with styling water and fell slightly, and the scattered black hair was casually placed in front of his forehead, adding a touch of laziness.

Jin Ming's side was empty, Pei Lu stood with him in the past, turned his face slightly to look at Jin Ming, Jin Ming was still far from the sky-defying height later, the adult Pei Lu faced the young Jin Ming, Just look sideways.

"Go back?"

"Well..." Jin Ming brushed the broken hair in front of his forehead with his fingers, and issued a gentle response from his nose.

Mrs. Jin also explained things to Uncle Zhang. The old marshal was impatient with these entertainments and went to the study early. Jin Ming passed by her, and Mrs. Jin, who had a slightly tired face, still looked at him with a smile, and asked gently, "You didn't eat anything at the banquet, so I'll let Uncle Zhang bring you some hangover soup and cakes ?"

Mrs. Jin lifted the broken hair on his temples, and looked at her stepson eagerly with her gentle eyebrows, with the tenderness of her mother in her eyes, as if Jin Ming's really was the child she gave birth to in October.

Pei Lu was speechless in secret. If he hadn't seen it run on Jin Ming secretly and secretly before, he would have almost thought that Mrs. Jin really wanted to have a good relationship with Jin Ming.

"Hypocritical." Pei Lu made a face at her and grumbled.

"Okay, I have a job." Jin Ming heard his laughter muttering, the corners of his mouth curved up, and his eyes fell on Pei Lu, who was one step behind, but others couldn't see it. From the servant's point of view, it was this one. To stepmother and son, mother kindness and filial piety, get along really well.

"You're tired too today, rest early." Mrs. Jin's face remained the same, still her amiable appearance.

Jin Ming nodded to her and turned to go upstairs.

Pei Lu followed him upstairs tightly, walked up a few steps, walked side by side with Jin Ming, and quietly glanced at his expression from the corner of his eyes.

Jin Ming wanted to tease him a few times, but there would be servants passing by at any time in the corridor. If he was seen talking to the air, some strange messages would be spread the next day.

Jin Ming twisted his fingers that were about to move, calmly returned to the room, closed the door, and then quickly and unintentionally pinched Pei Lu's face.

"What's wrong?" Pei Lu stared at him innocently, his whole person exuding a pure, soft, come and bully me aura.

This is not that Jin Ming has contacted any kind of person before.

"There is cream on your face, I'll wipe it for you." Jin Ming reached out and squeezed him again, calmly making up nonsense.

"Oh..." Pei Lu blinked slowly and accepted this statement.

"I'm going to take a shower." Jin Ming loosened his bow tie and put the black bow tie on the sofa casually. He plucked the fixed and stiff hair, and the short pieces of hair fell down to cover the sharp eyebrows and let him. The scent is much milder.

Pei Lu blushed a little for no reason. He turned his eyes away and didn't dare to stare at Jin Ming again. He lay on the sofa and brought his brain over, "Then I'll play a game for a while."

Jin Ming swept the game interface on Zhinao, and finally didn't say anything, but went to take a bath.

After washing out, Pei Lu was still immersed in the world of the game.

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