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Arc 2 

I'm going to **** even if I became a ghost (17)

Pei Lu was very anxious, and his worried hair was about to fall out. He couldn't wait to do something for Qu Luocheng before leaving, but found that he couldn't do anything.

He sat blankly in the yard and sighed sadly.

Qu Luocheng hugged him from behind, rubbing his chin lightly on the top of his head, not knowing where he was feeling, "Why are you sighing?"

Leaning back into his arms, Pei Lu stared blankly at the sky and asked softly, "Qu Luocheng, what do you want most?"

Qu Luocheng was stunned by his question without beginning and end, pinching his face in tears and laughing, "What I want the most... of course you, what have you been thinking about all day? Huh?"

Pei Lu's ears were a little red, but he was asking serious things!

He turned around, faced Qu Luocheng seriously, and asked him again, "Apart from me? What else do you want?"

Qu Luocheng pondered for a moment, then hugged Pei Lu and said with a slow smile, "I don't want anything except you."

He squeezed Pei Lu's buttocks suggestively, "And then I want to **** you, I keep pressing you on the bed day and night, so that you can't get out of bed, crying and begging me..."

Pei Lu exploded again, almost turning into a fireworks, even his neck was red, he gasped for breath, his breath was full of enthusiasm, "I'm asking serious questions."

Qu Luocheng was very serious, he held his leg, let him wrap it around his waist, and rubbed with him gently, "I'm being serious."

"You want to make my wish come true?"

The tips of Pei Lu's hair started to smoke, and he looked at Qu Luocheng's boiling eyes in a daze.

"...I will die on you sooner or later." Qu Luocheng gritted his teeth fiercely, still not satisfied, bit his blushing earlobe, and rubbed it in his mouth slowly.

Pei Lu put his hands around his neck, his eyes blurred for a moment, but he quickly woke up. He really wanted to make Qu Luocheng happy in the last time.

"I'm all yours, you can do whatever you want." As he said that, he took the initiative to look for Qu Luocheng's lips, leaned closer, and gave a jerky kiss.

The fire in Qu Luocheng's eyes was about to burn him, he carried him on his shoulders, and hurried to the room...

The warm fragrance of the room spreads.


Pei Lu suddenly thought about it and didn't worry anymore. Since Qu Luocheng said he wanted him, then he would satisfy him. No matter how shameful Qu Luocheng's request was, he would obey him obediently, and let Qu Luo be obedient. Cheng wished to swallow him whole.

He is like a dying flower, trying his best to bloom his own beauty, wanting to repay Qu Luocheng's affection in the last time.

In the blink of an eye, it was another fifteen.

The full moon hangs high in the air, the window is closed, and the dim moonlight shines through the window paper, sprinkles on the soft bed, and then spreads to the handsome face of the man.

After a hearty exercise just now, Pei Lu lay softly in Qu Luocheng's arms, carefully drawing his outline under the silver moonlight.

The man closed his eyes, frowned tightly, and the cheeks on both sides collapsed tightly... This is a gesture of patience.

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now