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Arc 5 

Domineering Boss Loves Me (4)

Xu Shu's father, Xu Yingxiong, was a small leader in the branch. He was simple and honest in appearance and honest in character. He was not outstanding in every aspect. The only advantage was that he was obedient.

People who are on the road are precarious, and they all have their own twists and turns, but over the years, Xu Yingxiong has never had a problem. With this, he became a small leader under Shen Feng's confidant. Dozens of people are in charge of the underground.

The shipment that Shen Feng was intercepted on the way was crude oil smuggled back from abroad, a whole shipment worth nearly 100 million.

This batch of goods is a favor owed by Shen Feng. Luming Group has a natural advantage in shipping. He promised to help the other party to transport the crude oil back. After the ship docked, he would not care about it. Was robbed in the middle.

Shen Feng probably guessed who did it, but this batch of crude oil came from the wrong way, and he didn't catch the other party's handle, so he could only suffer from this dumb loss.

The most suffocating thing is that the favor has not been paid off, so I owe another one.

Shen Feng personally interrogated and checked one by one, and finally determined that Xu Yingying had leaked the news. During that time, he had privately contacted several waves of people, and the news was leaked at that time.

It's just that Xu Yingxiong disappeared with the oil tanker long ago, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, so Shen Feng found the original owner.

Xu Yingxiong hid this precious son very well. If they hadn't checked it out, they wouldn't have known that the man who has been jokingly called the old bachelor had a handsome and handsome son who was studying in college.

But now, Shen Feng held Pei Lu's hand and said, "Your father has been found."

Pei Lu was a little dazed. He had never had contact with the original owner's father, and he didn't even know what kind of expression he should have. He could only look at Shen Feng blankly.

"He wants to see you."

The news that Shen Feng found out was that Xu Yingxiong treasured this son very much, but for the sake of confidentiality, Xu Shu was brought up by a nanny since he was a child, and his relationship with Xu Yingxiong was not very deep.

It seemed that the news was wrong, Shen Feng frowned, took the dazed young man into his arms, and let him lean against his chest, "Let's go and have a look... It's probably the last time."

Pei Lu nodded silently, feeling a little suffocated in his heart.

Xu Yingxiong was in the intensive care unit. He broke a hand and was shot five or six times. When Shen Feng's people found him, he fell silent in a pool of blood. Maybe he was buried there.

But he injured his organs, and even if he was sent to the hospital for rescue, it could only make him temporarily awake.

The first thing Xu Yingying did when he woke up was to see Xu Shu.

Pei Lu watched outside for a while, and after brewing his emotions, he opened the door and went in. After all, he was his own father, so he couldn't show his flaws.

There were only two people in the ward. Pei Lu walked to the bedside and called softly, "Dad."

Xu Yingying's eyes moved, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Little Book..." His voice was hoarse, like running over sandpaper, and Pei Lu's ears hurt.

"Dad is leaving..." His only arm was raised, but it fell back because of fatigue. Pei Lu quickly took his hand, "Dad."

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