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Chapter 3:

The next morning, Pei Lu had no class. He cleaned himself up, went to the cafeteria for breakfast, and then took the bus to Li's house.

Li's house is not far from Y, and the bus is direct, which is only half an hour's drive.

Having eaten too much for breakfast, Pei Lu was a little motion sick, and his footsteps were floating when he got out of the car. 666 grumbled and complained in his head, saying that he spent the early morning watching dramas yesterday, but he closed his eyes and hadn't slept for two hours when he was woken up by Pei Lu and was having a tantrum with Pei Lu.

Pei Lu couldn't understand why an intelligent AI likes to chase dramas, "Is all of you AI like this? You watch dramas day and night, and you are not afraid of burning the chip?"

666 proudly held his chest and showed off: [My chip is the latest generation ZZ250 chip, with large memory and fast computing. It's just a small case for watching a drama.]

"Oh." Pei Lu said coldly, "The high-level chips with large memory and fast computing are used by you to watch dramas, do you know that?"

"..." 666 was eerily silent for two seconds, slapped haha ​​with a guilty conscience, and tried to get away with it, [We all know that, and he sees it himself!]

"Really? Then I'll just have a chat with him when I go to see him next time."

"..." 666 was threatened, and immediately became emotional, [Whatever, I don't want to talk to you.] After speaking, he changed himself into a busy state and continued to watch the drama!

Really very capricious.


Pei Lu had to trot alone to Li's house and rang the doorbell.

"Mr. Xiao Meng, are you here so early? Have you had breakfast?" The housekeeper who came to open the door was Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang had already recognized Pei Lu.

"I ate on the way here." Pei Lu smiled, "You can do it first, I'll just go over by myself." At this time, Li Jun should have set up Domino's in the game room.

Li Jun's activities were very regular. Pei Lu went to the game room on the second floor and opened the door. Sure enough, he saw Li Jun crouching on the ground, placing small dominoes with a focused expression.

The dominoes had filled the entire game room, and they were placed starting from the center of the room. The white dominoes filled the entire room by spinning round by round. Now Li Jun was holding the last few dominoes.

He carefully put the last piece in place, stood up, and relaxed a little from his tense expression.

Pei Lu watched curiously, and couldn't help but ask him, "It's set, then what?"

"Shh~" Li Jun put his index finger on his lips and motioned him not to speak. Pei Lu had to shut his mouth obediently.

Li Jun seemed to be in a good mood. Although he didn't smile, his eyes were happy. He pushed Pei Lu to the front and pointed to the dominoes on the ground.

Pei Lu was puzzled, "What to do? Do you want me to push it?"

Li Jun pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

Squatting down carefully, Pei Lu stretched out his index finger, hesitantly not daring to poke down, for fear that his strength would be useless and ruin the array that had been arranged so hard.

Behind him, Li Jun leaned down, suddenly took his hand, led him to the first domino, and pushed it down firmly.

The white domino fell, and the next domino fell, just like the butterfly that caused the hurricane, driving the white waves to rotate rapidly. Pei Lu enjoyed this visual feast in amazement. The speed of the dominoes became faster and faster as the dominoes went to the back. The white waves stopped surging until the last dominoes fell.

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