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Last World (3)

Jin Ming's first dinner at home gave Pei Lu a stomachache, not to mention Jin Ming who was in it.

Jin Ming doesn't move chopsticks often, but his dining posture is still elegant. It seems that the few years of living abroad have no effect on him. He is still the outstanding heir of the Jin family.

When the old marshal put down his chopsticks, Jin Ming stopped the chopsticks, and the servants removed the dishes one after another. Jin Ming got up and said, "I'll go back to the room first."

The old marshal nodded and didn't say anything, but Mrs. Jin hurriedly said: "By the way, the family is going to hold a celebration party for you in two days. You haven't shown up for so many years, so you always have to communicate with other noble families, as well as your grandfather's. On the side, someone also sent a letter, wanting to see you."

Jin Ming paused for a moment, turned his body slowly, and said without emotion: "You can arrange it, I will pick a time to visit with Grandpa." He nodded reservedly, and walked towards the skirt.

Next to him, Jin Yan pursed his lips and said to the old marshal coquettishly, "The new brother is so fierce."

The old marshal smiled and rubbed his head, picked him up and put him on his lap, "He's just like this. I didn't expect that a few years later, he still hasn't changed." Just like her mother.

Pei Lu stayed in the same place for a while, and without hearing any valuable news, he carefully touched Jin Ming's room.

Pei Lu was lying on the door as usual, his ears pressed to hear the movement, but he didn't expect that the door would be pushed open as soon as he lay down.

——Jin Ming forgot to lock the door.

Pei Lu reflexively ran to the foot of the wall and hid, and after a while, he probed his head to look at the door again. The half-closed door seemed to be the most seductive beauty, seducing Pei Lu to go in and explore.

Pei Lu couldn't resist the temptation, so he walked back carefully against the wall, looked through the crack in the door, and made sure that no one was there, and then tentatively opened the crack just enough for him to squeeze in.

He quickly ducked in, then closed the door. The living room was empty and there was no place to hide. Pei Lu glanced left and right. The door of the study was open. Jin Ming must be in the study at this time. Pei Lu decided to choose hid in the bedroom.

The curtains were drawn in the bedroom, and the light was a little dim. Pei Lu looked around, looking for a place to hide, but suddenly a voice came from behind.

"What are you looking for?"

Pei Lu almost jumped up in fright. He turned around stiffly and said hello to Jin Ming, who was almost at one with the shadow, "Hello, hello, what are you doing standing there?"

The corners of Jin Ming's mouth were slightly upturned, thinking that if I didn't stand here, how could I catch the peeping mouse, but he said indifferently, "Look in the mirror."

Pei Lu looked at the corner. There was indeed a full-length mirror there. He bit his cheek and said stiffly, "Oh."

Jin Ming walked out of the corner, instantly shortened the distance with Pei Lu, and looked down at him with his height, "It's you... Slip into my room, what are you looking for?"

Pei Lu took a step back subconsciously. Jin Ming, whose half face was hidden in the shadows, made him extraordinarily unfamiliar. The boy's sudden toughness made him a little unaccustomed. He stammered to make up reasons for himself, "I just want to find you......"

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