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Chapter 12:

Pei Lu closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, but after a while, he actually fell asleep. Seeing that he was asleep, Li Jun turned him around gently. face yourself.

Pei Lu fed himself well, and not only kept up with his weight. The shape of his face also kept up. Meng Xiaoyue's pointed melon-seed face was stunned by his roundness, with bulging cheeks on both sides. Li Jun reached out and poked it, poking a shallow pit, and it felt soft to the touch.

Pei Lu was impatiently poked by him, frowned and mumbled a few times, and buried his face in his chest. The warm breath sprayed on his chest, and Li Jun felt that his chest was soft and swollen. If it wasn't for Pei Lu still in his arms, he would want to go down and run for a dozen laps now.

Caressing the back of the person in his arms, Li Jun's mouth had a faint smile, and he entered the dream with him...

Pei Lu slept until the afternoon.

The warm yellow sunset hangs on the horizon and will not fall, the neon lights of the city have turned on, the boundaries between day and night are blurred, and the entire sky is an ambiguous twilight.

Pei Lu used up too much energy, and after a sleep, his stomach began to growl. The place beside him was cold, Li Jun should have woken up early.

"666, what time is it?" After sleeping for too long, his head was groggy when he woke up. Pei Lu lightly pressed his temples to ease the discomfort in his head.

[It's half past six.] 666's voice jumped, [Dear~ I have good news for you...]

"I don't want to hear it." Pei Lu quickly refused.

"..." 666 choked for a moment, and also had a little emotion, [The progress bar has risen to 70%, maybe you can dedicate a few more times, and the task will be completed.]

Pei Lu: Can we still communicate well?

Obviously not, because 666 angrily changed the status to busy, and even added a new signature this time: Pei Lu and the dog do not disturb.

Pei Lu: ......

666 was upset. Pei Lu wanted to apologize and coax him, but 666 was obviously very angry this time!

Because he blocked Pei Lu =7=

Pei Lu had to get up angrily to find something to eat.

The light in the living room was dim, and Pei Lu took his slippers and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

The rice cooker in the kitchen was turned on to keep warm, Pei Lu lifted the lid, and a scent of millet porridge came out. Pei Lu's stomach grumbled and he was hungry, and he didn't care about burning his mouth. He filled a bowl of porridge and snorted and drank it, finally soothing the stomach that was about to rebel.

He filled another bowl of porridge and held it in his hand, ready to go to the living room to drink slowly, but when he turned around, he saw Li Jun standing at the kitchen door, looking at him tenderly.

"Are you hungry? I even boiled chicken soup. I'll give it to you next."

"..." Pei Lu puffed out his face and always felt that this sentence was strange. He turned his face awkwardly and said coldly, "No need, I'm not very hungry."


The screaming thief's stomach quickly betrayed him, and Pei Lu blushed in embarrassment. As soon as he finished pretending, he immediately slapped himself in the face, which can be said to be very embarrassing.

There was a smile in Li Jun's eyes, but it took a long time to hold back the smile. The corners of his mouth did not turn up. He calmly cooperated with Pei Lu, "Well, I'm hungry. Will you eat with me later?"

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