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Arc 3 

The Little Sweetheart of The Actor (2)

After seeing people, Mu Xiu quickly continued to film. Pei Lu held his mobile phone items and waited obediently beside him.

Chu Hong was worried about him, dragged him and explained a lot of precautions, and sent him a copy of Mu Xiu's schedule.

Pei Lu all nodded in response, reassuring her.

Of course, Chu Hong couldn't be relieved. Wen Su was two years younger, introverted, not good at words, and was a docile little sheep.

Throwing the little sheep into the wolf's den will make no one feel at ease.

If Wen Su hadn't begged her, she actually didn't want him to come. This junior was not very courageous, if Mu Xiu was beaten twice, she was worried that the little sheep would cry.

After thinking about it, Chu Hong still pulled Pei Lu over and whispered to him, "Mu Xiu's temper is sometimes not good, if he loses his temper with you, don't take it to heart, just treat him as farting. now, you know?"

Pei Lu Yile, his smiling eyes narrowed, he patted Chu Hong soothingly, "Sister, don't worry, I know."

Seeing that he was smiling, Chu Hong didn't seem to be able to adapt.

Pei Lu watched her leave, and then returned to the side of the set to wait, but as soon as he turned around, he saw Mu Xiu glaring at him.

"????" Pei Lu scratched his face, a little puzzled, "I offended him? Do you have time to stare at me while filming?"

He murmured a few words, remembering that Chu Hong said that he had a bad temper, and he was relieved quickly, holding his clothes and waiting by the water.

Mu Xiu was filming a costume drama. He played the male lead, and the scene he is filming now is a rivalry between him and the female second.

The leader of the alliance played by him and the villain played by Li Yu are childhood sweethearts. The two shared weal and woe from the early days and stumbled to their current position. One is the leader of the Wulin League and the other is the leader of the largest martial arts faction.

childhood sweethearts, the right match.

Unexpectedly, when the leader was preparing to propose marriage, he suddenly discovered that Qingmei was inextricably linked with the Demon Sect.

All the evidence pointed to Qingmei, and the leader of the alliance had to put aside the love of his children and confront her face to face.

Mu Xiu was dressed in a black robe, and his black hair was neatly **** with a jade crown. The eyes under his sword eyebrows were full of pain and disbelief. He couldn't believe that the Qingmei who accompanied him all the way was actually a spy of the Demon Sect.

"I'll ask again, is it you?"

Li Yu's brows were calm, her dark red skirt was flying, she stood on the eaves like a dragonfly, looking down at Mu Xiu, "How about me, what about not?"

"That's it." A mocking smile appeared on Mu Xiu's mouth. Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar face, he remembered that he was like a hairy boy a few days ago and didn't know what to prepare for a dowry.

As a result, reality gave him such a loud slap in the face.

Li Yu lowered his eyes and avoided his questioning gaze, "If you want to fight, fight."

Mu Xiu stood up slowly with the sword in his arms, the fragility between his eyebrows was concealed by his determination, he tipped his toes and flew up to the roof, the sharp sword pointed directly at Li Yu.

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