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Arc 2 

I'm going to **** you even if I became a ghost (8)

Summer passed quickly, the weather slowly cooled down, and autumn entered in a blink of an eye.

The lo-mei business of the group of four is very hot. The recipe provided by 666 tastes very good. After Pei Lu has improved it, it is very suitable for the local people's taste. Except for the first taste, more and more repeat customers will follow.

After two months, excluding the cost, they made a net profit of 18 taels. In the eyes of the rich, this little money is nothing, but for a few people who have never seen the world, it is already a huge sum of money.

Bamboo Pole is in charge of all the money he earns. He counts well, and he can count the money clearly, unlike Fat Dun Er and Xiao Shao Tou, who start to feel dizzy after counting a hundred or so.

Guessing that the money was almost saved, Zhugan'er carefully dug out the piggy bank buried in the ground in front of the other three people.

The money jar was not big, and it was filled with silver coins, which rattled in a flash. The four of them sat cross-legged in a circle, their eyes glowing as they watched the bamboo pole pour out the money in the jar.

"A total of eighteen taels." Zhu Gan'er counted to one side again, confirming that there were no young masters.

Fat Dun'er touched the silver coins on the ground with glowing eyes, "We're going to send it."

The little bald head also flushed with excitement, "Then can we live in a big house?"

Zhugan'er had inquired about it before, he thought about it, and told others about his inquiries.

"I went to the middleman and asked about it. The one-in-one-out house costs ten taels of silver, but there are only three main rooms. Two-in and two-out rooms are enough, but the cheapest one costs thirty taels. We have to pay more. It's enough to save up."

When the little bald head heard that he had to wait, he became a little dejected and muttered, "It's good to go in and out. I'm small, so I can squeeze it."

"Just buy a one-in-one-out one, it's just right," Pei Lu kept silent beside him. He heard the words and said, "I haven't said... I might have to move out."

Qu Luocheng wanted him to move to Qu's house before, but he didn't agree because he was thinking about Fat Dun'er and the others. For them, the three brothers add up, and I think they can operate very well.

"You..." Chubby opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally closed it, he lowered his head a little sadly, "Then you have to take care of yourself, if one day you get tired of your good looks, you will come back. , brother to support you."

Bamboo Gan'er and Little Bald Tou also became depressed. Little Bald Tou was the youngest. At this time, he pulled Pei Lu's shirt with red eyes, "Let's agree that if we have money, we will buy a big house, one room per person..."

Pei Lu touched his bald head and said with a smile, "Why does it seem like I can't come back. I live in the Qu family mansion in the east of the town, not far from the market."

"...There will be opportunities to meet in the future."

When the three heard the words, their expressions relaxed a little.

Fat Dun'er counted the silver coins on the ground, grabbed five taels of silver and pushed it to Pei Lu, and said a little embarrassedly: "Speaking of which, most of the money should belong to you, but we are going to buy a house soon, and we have to save a little capital. I'll give you five taels first, and the rest of the brothers will remember them and return them to you later."

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