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Pick Up A Husband (17)

"Who is it?" Pei Lu stood up and looked at the door.

Zhao Mu touched his head, "You lie down, I'll open the door."

Pei Lu leaned back with an "oh", but stared at the door.

Zhao Mu opened the door, and Xu Xiaoyu stood at the door with four tall men in full armor. Xu Xiaoyu looked a little embarrassed and uneasy, but the four people behind her were not polite at all.

"I heard that Yitang had been in contact with mutant zombies, and they wanted him to be checked."

Xu Xiaoyu's words were euphemistic, but the meaning inside was very clear.

Zhao Mu looked at them expressionlessly, but his aura was very heavy, "Thank you for your concern, Tangtang is very good, he is resting, no need to check."

Xu Xiaoyu opened her mouth and looked at him embarrassedly.

"There are infected people in the house. According to the regulations of the base, all infected people must be removed." The man headed among the four said rudely.

Zhao Mu's expression changed, and the electric light hit the man with lightning speed. The man mourned and rolled while covering his broken arm. The expressions of the remaining three people changed, and they all aimed their guns at him.

"Looking for death," Zhao Mu looked at them with no emotion, facing the three black muzzles with equanimity.

"That's how Xie Yige kept his promise?"

Xu Xiaoyu looked away with a guilty conscience, this action was unanimously approved by all high-level officials except Xie Yige.

The mutant zombies have been taken away by the research institute of the base for research. In addition, the five people who have had close contact with the mutant zombies, Lao Li and Yaya have been examined, and there is no abnormality. Yaya's mother died on the spot. Those who came and mutated have already been cremated by Lao Li.

And the remaining two people, one is Uncle Zhang and the other is Pei Lu.

Uncle Zhang has been confirmed to be infected with the virus, his chest was gnawed by the little zombies, but the human is still alive, or to put it another way, he has mutated, and has evolved more advanced than ordinary zombies, but he still retains a certain thinking.

This is scary.

Before that little girl, no one thought that zombies could think too.

The little zombie was dealt with by Zhao Mu on the spot, leaving a charred corpse that would occasionally move, but Uncle Zhang was still there. People from the research institute did tests, and the result was that Uncle Zhang could still recognize people. He retains the memories of when he was a human, and he can even say some vague sentences, but he is already a complete zombie.

Craving for blood and raw flesh to attack humans, his mind has been completely assimilated into another species different from humans.

This news is only known to the upper management of the base and their confidants, which is why, except Xie Yige, everyone agreed to the mandatory testing by Pei Lu, and even did not hesitate to offend Zhao Mu for it.

"Sorry, the boss has worked hard, just do a simple inspection, it won't delay a lot of time."

Xu Xiaoyu was very sincere, but the premise of her all this was that Pei Lu was not infected.

She didn't know, but Zhao Mu knew that he had a cold face and a bad expression, "No, he won't check, I'll take him away."

"I go--"

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