
637 15 2

Last World (1)

When Pei Lu woke up again, he was in a transparent nutrition cabin.

Before he could open the lid of the nutrition compartment, Luo Feiyang, who was unshaven outside, rushed over.

"How about it?"

Pei Lu sat up and rubbed his swollen temples, "It's done, go see the marshal."

Jin Ming's nutrition cabin was placed not far away, Luo Feiyang was stunned, and hurried over to see Jin Ming.

Jin Ming was still lying quietly in the nutrition cabin, and there was no sign of waking up.

Luo Feiyang opened the cabin door suspiciously. The detector showed that the fluctuation of No. 4's mental power had calmed down, and the Marshal's own mental power was not abnormal, but why did he not wake up?

Luo Feiyang looked at Pei Lu suspiciously, "The marshal hasn't woken up yet."

Pei Lu wrapped himself in a bath towel and went over to check Jin Ming's condition.

In the nutrition cabin, Jin Ming was lying quietly, his body was in good condition and his mental strength was calm, but his eyes were still closed and he didn't even move his eyes.

Pei Lu reached out and tapped his forehead, and there were doubts in his eyes, "Should." Shen Feng was already asleep, and his previously irritable mental power had calmed down. It made no sense that Jin Ming was still not awake.

"Wait and see."

Pei Lu was a little worried, but it was not suitable to act rashly at this moment, so he could only wait and find out the reason for the coma.

Luo Feiyang stayed beside the nutrition cabin and used the instrument to check Jin Ming's body. Pei Lu was still sticky, and it was inconvenient to do things while wrapped in a towel, so he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The hot water washed away his exhaustion, Pei Lu changed into clean clothes, and when he came out again, his adjutant Zhang Qi was also there.

"How is the inspection?" Pei Lu asked.

Luo Feiyang's face was solemn, "No problem was detected."

Pei Lu squatted down beside the nutrition cabin, looked at the man's resolute face, and said slowly, "Wait and see, he'll be fine."

"We can only wait." Luo Feiyang was also at a loss as to what to do. There was no problem with the detection of various indicators, so he did not dare to act rashly.

Pei Lu closed the lid of the nutrition cabin and turned to Zhang Qi and said, "I have some questions to ask you, okay?"

Zhang Qi glanced at Jin Ming's direction subconsciously, and said hesitantly, "What's the problem?"

Pei Lu pointed to the study, "Let's go over there and talk."

He turned his head and said to Luo Feiyang: "I have some questions that I want to tell Adjutant Zhang alone, I hope you don't mind."

Luo Feiyang was having a headache facing the detection data, and waved his hand when he heard the words, "It doesn't matter."

Pei Lu walked to the study room first. 666, who had not spoken, consciously followed at his feet, but was blocked by Pei Lu when he approached the door. He touched 666's head, "I'll tell Adjutant Zhang something, you are here. Wait for me outside."

"...Okay." 666 wagged his tail and squatted at the door.

Zhang Qi passed by him and closed the study door.

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