Real World

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The bright moonlight streamed in through the open windows, reflecting the bulge on the bed.

On the large double bed, there is a man lying on the bed. From the outline of the quilt, you can see the tall figure of the man. The man's sleeping position is very standard. A relaxed posture, but the man's folded hands were clenched tightly at this time, and the blue veins on the back of his hands were bursting, and he seemed to be indulging in a nightmare.

The moonlight moved upwards and shone on his deep facial features. The jet-black sword brows frowned, and a thick "chuan" character was squeezed between his brows.


The tightly closed eyes were suddenly opened, and the dark pupils were like abyss, filled with awe-inspiring chills. Even though he had just woken up from a nightmare, Jin Ming's expression was still as cold as ever, but there was more to this chill. Some were overwhelmed and dazed.

Since the end of this treatment, he has been having dreams for almost a week.

Dreams are bizarre, and most of them are discontinuous, but the fragments that flashed by the light seemed to be full of honey-like sweetness, clear voice, soft body, and addictive limbs entangled... Jin Ming was addicted to I don't want to wake up from such an intoxicating dream.

But tonight's dream was very different. It had a sweet opening, and the ending was so bleak. He couldn't see the face of the person in the dream, and he didn't even know the name. Even though he had woken up, it made him feel cold all over.


Jin Ming repeatedly chewed the word he shouted when he woke up, like a name that he didn't have time to finish, but it gave him an inexplicable sense of intimacy, and the tip of his tongue was sweet when he read it.

The drowsiness has disappeared, Jin Ming simply took a shower, and turned on his brain to handle official business. The moonlight in the sky was still bright, shining on him quietly...

When Jin Ming raised his head from his head again, the twilight was over, and the newborn Chaoyang tried his best to cross the horizon.

Remembering what he had asked his subordinates to check before, he dialed the terminal.

The person on the other side was immediately connected, and Jin Ming's voice was cold and hoarse with exhaustion, "How's the investigation?"

The voice on the other side was very steady, "I found something, it is not convenient to say it outside, I will come and report to you in half an hour."

Jin Ming hung up the terminal and got up to cook a simple breakfast for himself. He was not very good at cooking, and there were no servants in the military area. Apart from going to the cafeteria to eat, his three meals at home were all high. Purified nutritious food.

He rummaged through the kitchen to find two bags of mashed vegetables and mashed beef. He frowned and opened the package. After heating, he put it on a plate and solved his own breakfast. This kind of mashed food is very popular in the Federation. There is basically no difference in the original flavor of vegetables or meat, and the energy contained in it is quite high. Just two small bags can meet the needs of an adult man.

Simple, delicious and convenient, nutritious food is very popular in the Federation, but Jin Ming is very unbearable for this muddy taste every time he eats it. He quickly solved the breakfast, Jin Ming changed into a crisp military uniform, and then went Continue to deal with the day's affairs in the study, while waiting for the adjutant who came to report the results of the investigation.

Twenty-five minutes and thirty-nine seconds, the doorbell of Jin Ming's residence rang, and the adjutant arrived before the appointed time.

Jin Ming's writing hand paused slightly, put down the unfinished business, and quietly waited for the report from his subordinates.

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now