Real world (3) + Arc 3 (1)

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Real World (3)

After the dance, Pei Lu was ready to take a break for a while. The two consecutive tasks brought him more fatigue than expected, and he felt that he needed to adjust his mood.

666 also supported his decision.

After making the decision, Pei Lu also seriously rested. In addition to brushing the news of Jin Ming's support club every day, he collected high-definition uncensored pictures of the marshal, just holding 666 and looking for delicious food.

Such a leisurely day continued until the fifth day, when the Legion assigned a new healing mission.

The information of the legion was sent directly to the terminal. Pei Lu stared at the information for a long time, and finally replied to the message. He politely refused. His state was not very good. Forcibly accepting the task was very difficult for him and the target. Irresponsible action.

After explaining his situation truthfully, Pei Lu politely suggested that the other party can find another therapist.

Pei Lu returned the news, and happily continued the rotten life of eating, eating, sleeping, sleeping.

As a result, the contact person of the First Army came to the door the next day.

The contact person, surnamed Luo, is a doctor of the First Army Corps. He is responsible for allocating Pei Lu's various treatment tasks.

And now this Doctor Luo came to the door when Pei Lu refused the newly assigned task.

Pei Lu poured him a cup of tea, then sat opposite him, silently waiting for him to explain his intention.

Dr. Luo took a sip of his tea and said slowly, "Mr. Pei, I came to see you this time because of an unkind request."

The steam of the hot tea blurred the face of the person opposite. Pei Lu looked at the sharp eyes under his glasses and had already guessed his intention.

"Doctor Luo, I'm sorry, I'm really in a bad state. I'm afraid I can't answer your request."

Dr. Luo pushed on his glasses and opened a leather case he was carrying to reveal the contents inside, "This is a mental power recovery potion developed by the First Corps, which can quickly replenish the lacking mental power."

Pei Lu frowned unhappily and felt dissatisfied with Dr. Luo's hardship, "Dr. Luo, I think you know that a therapist has the right to refuse any request for treatment when he is in a poor state of mind." Any" was emphasized.

Dr. Luo smiled wryly. Seeing his firm attitude, he had to soften his attitude, "Mr. Pei, it's not that I'm **** others, but it's really the special treatment task this time, and the top has designated you." He pointed to the top.

Pei Lu frowned displeasedly and didn't want to agree to him, but 666 said at this time, "We will consider your request again, I hope you will give us some time."

Pei Lu was unwilling to cooperate, so Dr. Luo had no choice but to nod, leave the medicine behind, and leave alone.

As soon as the outsiders left, Pei Lu immediately picked up 666, who was self-assured, "What bad water are you running?!"

666 kicked his short legs desperately and struggled: "I'm not doing it for you. Your mental power was damaged in the last world, didn't you often have headaches? I heard that the recovery agent of the First Army can repair the damaged spirit. force."

"In the last world? Mental damage?" Pei Lu grasped the point and asked in doubt, "Isn't the mission in the previous world a success? Why is my mental power damaged?"

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