1.9 - 1.10

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Chapter 9:

Pei Lu was stunned.

He never imagined that playing a domino would have the effect of a horror movie. And what is even scarier than a horror movie is → Li Jun's heart is revealed in front of him.

Although Pei Lu is slow, he is not stupid.

Li Jun has already shown it so clearly, if he can't see it again, he probably has to change his mind.

"666, what should I do?" Pei Lu was flustered. He had entered so many spiritual worlds and had so many goals for treatment. This was the first time he had confessed to him. Pei Lu was a little numb.

666 calmly analyzed, [Don't be square, the big deal is to be slapped by the anus.]

T/N: the system basically said that MC shouldn't be afraid, the worst thing to happen is just that MC might be f*cked.

"..." Pei Lu said calmly, "Are you still trying to say that it's not my body anyway?"

666 pretended to be surprised, [How have you guessed this?!]

Pei Lu: "..."

After a while, he asked again, "Can I choose to give up the mission?"

[No.] 666 said deeply, [the patient's mental defense is very strong. If this time he has withdrawn, and it will be difficult to invade again.]

"..." Pei Lu said desperately, "Then can I reject him? QAQ"

[You can try it.] 666 couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to him.

Pei Lu cheered himself up. After thinking about several sets of lines, he turned his head in mock surprise and said with an exaggerated expression, "How did you do it, it's amazing, I was taken aback."

"..." Li Jun looked at his exaggerated acting skills and slammed him on the wall as soon as he leaned over!

"!!" Pei Lu's eyes widened, he was so scared that he couldn't speak clearly, and stammered, "You, what are you doing?"

Li Jun let out a snort, approached his neck, and carefully sniffed the scent of his prey.

"Li Jun!" Pei Lu was stern, if his hands were not pressed, he almost wanted to cover his little daisy with his back behind him.

A low laughter came out, "Teacher...what are you afraid of, I won't eat you."

Pei Lu shook his head frantically and looked at him pitifully, "Let go of me first, I'm uncomfortable with you."

However, Li Jun not only did not let him go, but pressed him a little tighter. His slender fingers slid across his earlobe, and Pei Lu shook sensitively. Li Jun seemed to like his reaction, and pinched his earlobe with his fingers. , fiddle gently.

"Teacher, you are so cute."

"...QAQ" Pei Lu's eyes turned red, he said to 666 sadly, "I don't want to be anal..."

"..." 666 was silent for a while, then said solemnly: [If life rapes you and you can't resist, then learn to enjoy it.]

T/N: There's another version to this sentence "when life gives you lemon, you suck it."

Pei Lu's tears came down immediately. He didn't want to be analized by a broken child who didn't even grow his hair at all.

"Teacher?" Li Jun stared blankly at the transparent drops of water running down his cheeks, and the strength of the restraint in his hands loosened a little. Watery black eyes looked at him pitifully.

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now