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Chapter 16:

Li Jun is not very old, but he is tall and fit. When he looks at people with a handsome face, he has a strong sense of oppression.

Liu Li was just a philistine woman. She knew that Meng Xiaoyue was soft-spoken and thin-skinned. But what she didn't expect was that Meng Xiaoyue would recognize such a powerful friend.

Facing Li Jun, she was not so confident, she felt guilty, her face was timid, and she spoke politely, "Xiaoyue's father is ill, and the doctor said that it will cost a lot of money to treat him. , I really can't help it..."

Liu Li looked at Li Jun weakly.

"What genetic disease am I asking about?" Li Jun repeated with a frown.

Liu Li was taken aback by his black face, and she hesitated for a long time to say what was wrong with Meng Gang.

Li Jun was impatient with her ink time, and simply dragged Pei Lu out of the school. When Liu Li saw that they were leaving, the conditioned reflex stood in the way.

"Get out of the way." Li Jun looked badly at the person standing in front of him.

Liu Li regretted it when she came forward, but she was not reconciled to let her come here in vain. Under Li Jun's cold eyes, she murmured: "Xiaoyue... Your father..."

"Don't you still have two houses and a deposit of 200,000 yuan?" Li Jun said suddenly.

When someone else turned it over, Liu Li was so frightened that her face turned pale, and he faltered and defended: "That's not mine, can't move... Xiaoyue's father is sick, Xiaoyue should say something..."

Liu Li's eyes were greedy, and she scanned Pei Lu's clothes up and down, wishing she could pull all the money in his pocket into her arms.

Li Jun glanced at her in disgust, led Pei Lu around her rudely, got into the driver's car and drove away.

The driver turned around. Today was Friday, and they had agreed to go back to Li's house for dinner, so the driver waited at the school gate early.

"Go to the city hospital first." Li Jun said.

"What are you going to do at the hospital?" Pei Lu asked strangely.

Li Jun clenched his hand and kissed the back of his hand, "Just to go for a medical examination, don't be afraid, teacher."

After thinking about it after contacting Pei Lu, he understood Li Jun's thoughts. Meng Gang has a genetic disease, and it is not guaranteed that Meng Xiaoyue will inherit it too, but the incubation period of this disease is long, and it is impossible to see it until the onset of the disease. come out.

Meng Gang had a sudden illness, and he could only barely hang himself until now. No wonder Li Jun was worried.

"It's alright." Pei Lu squeezed his fingers with a smile, imitating Li Jun's behavior just now, and dropped a jerky kiss on the back of his hand.

Li Jun rubbed the back of his hand on his face, and his tense expression eased a little, "Well, it's just a medical examination, it'll be fine."


The city hospital is coming soon.

Li Jun made a phone call and entered the hospital. Without queuing, he took Pei Lu directly to the specialist consultation room.

The receptionist was an uncle who thanked him. The uncle was plump with a simple and honest smile. He greeted Li Jun warmly when he saw him. Li Jun responded politely, and then pushed Pei Lu behind him forward, "Show him, and Meng Gang's case is in your hospital?"

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