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Pick Up A Husband (14)

Neither of them took this matter to heart, and after Pei Lu mentioned a few words, he was distracted by other things.

"Why did you come back suddenly?" Pei Lu asked, "Is everything going well on your side?"

Zhao Mu remembered the mutant zombies that never showed up, and his face became solemn, "It's just too smooth, the mutant zombies have never appeared, I'm worried...you, so come back and see."

Pei Lu's heartbeat was inexplicably fast, and his heart was a little sweet, but he said, "I put everything you gave me well," he patted the gun holster under his clothes, "What is there to worry about? ."

Zhao Mu raised his eyebrows, "Really? Let me check."

He put his hand in along the hem of his clothes and groped around his waist. Pei Lu was wearing a simple jumper, and the hem of the clothes was not tucked into his pants. As soon as Zhao Mu's hand stretched in, his fingers with thin calluses touched it. The slippery skin around the waist.

Pei Lu held his hand with a shudder, and said unnaturally, "What's so beautiful!"

A smile crossed Zhao Mu's eyes, but his face was serious, "I just check if there is any problem with the gun, what's the matter with you?"

"..." Pei Lu was stunned for a long time with his mouth open, feeling that he was a little too sensitive, so he had no choice but to let go of his hand, took the initiative to lift the hem of his clothes to show him, and muttered, "What's so beautiful..." "

Zhao Mu seriously took out the pistol on his waist and checked it. After confirming that there was no problem, he put it back again, "Okay, there is no problem."

Pei Lu pouted unhappily, secretly thinking that this person is really looking for trouble.


After confirming that Pei Lu was fine, Zhao Mu walked around the base again and found nothing unusual, so he had to return to the battlefield again, but before leaving, he explained to the superpowers patrolling above, and paid more attention to the situation below the base.

The patrolling power user turns the underground part in a circle every time he switches defenses.

Zhao Mu was away, and Pei Lu was bored alone, so he walked around to help carry some things. The previous medicines had already been packaged, and the amount was sufficient. His temporary requisition was over, and he could only look around boredly. Do it.

It's just that the types of work in the base are all assigned, everyone works in their respective positions, everything is in good order, and there is no place where Pei Lu can intervene. In the end, the aunties saw that he was really bored and sent him to see child.

Pei Lu is good-looking and has a good temper. The children in the base like him very much.

Pei Lu sat in the middle, with a circle of radish heads around him, listening to his story.

"...Since then, the prince and the princess have lived happily together..."

After Pei Lu finished telling a story, the little radish heads happily clapped their hands and clamored for him to tell another story. Pei Lu smiled and rubbed the little radish heads one by one. , I saw her pursed lips with an unhappy face.

Pei Lu paused and rubbed her a little more. Yaya was the most sensible among the bunch of radishes. I don't know what happened today. Pei Lu leaned over and hugged her, and asked softly, "Yaya. Why are you unhappy today?"

It's okay if he doesn't ask, but when he asks Yaya, who is holding her mouth, she can't hold back, and she buried her little face in the crevice of his neck and cried.

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