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Arc 1 chapter 20:

After the biggest snowfall in City Y, the cold winter came completely. The outside was white and the ground was dry, all wearing a new layer of white clothes. Pei Lu was shivering from the cold. Even in a heated room, he would keep his hands warm. I almost shrank myself into a ball and wrapped it in cotton. Winter is listed as the most hated season by Pei Lu, and there is no one that could change it.

But when he was about to blow his nose, the stagnant progress bar suddenly increased by 5%, and the task completion rate had reached 95%. This not only indicated that Pei Lu's task was to be completed, but also It means that Li Jun's illness is almost healed.

In the original world line, Li Jun was autistic, dark, and refused all communication with the outside world. At that time, Li Jun was not accompanied by Pei Lu. He completely closed himself in another world and lived as a sober lunatic.

Li Jun is a genius, and geniuses are often lonely. Even Li Qingyi and his wife have no way to break his shackles. He was immersed in his own world, watching the mediocre people around him indifferently, feeling extremely boring. 

The world doesn't need him, and he does not need this boring and cold world. So one day in his adult life, Li Jun chose to die.

Living or dying is no different to him, he has nothing to do with this world, and death is just a more novel attempt. Li Jun, in the original world, ended his life when he was eighteen years old.

But Pei Lu's arrival changed all that.

From the age of 16 to 18, Pei Lu accompanied him through the crucial two years. Li Jun, who could not live to the age of 18, has grown up to 19 and has someone he likes. He is full of yearning for the future life, because in the future there is Pei Lu, the person he loves the most. No one knew what Pei Lu meant in Li Jun's heart, not even Pei Lu himself. He was like a strong light that suddenly broke into the dim world and illuminated Li Jun's boring life.

In the beginning, he was just curious. After getting along for a long time, he became dependent. People who are used to being alone will become addicted once they feel the warmth. It is a logical thing to develop into a love.

In Li Jun's plan, he had prepared for a long time to conquer the fortress named Pei Lu, but perhaps because of God's blessing, Pei Lu did not reject him, and the fortress was conquered faster than expected. He quickly tasted the first bite of the cake, and the sweet taste tempted him to keep the rest of the cake for himself. He endured it for a long time and couldn't wait any longer.

On the third day after the heavy snowfall in Y City, Pei Lu was wrapped in three layers inside and outside, and then dragged out of the warm room by Li Jun.

Pei Lu's nose was red from the cold. He was wrapped in a thick down jacket, and a thick woolen scarf was piled around his neck, covering half of his face. Even his voice was muffled, "Where are you taking me?"

He was very unhappy, and was dragged away half-hanging Li Jun, "It's too cold, shall we go back?"

"No," Li Jun had a good physique. He only wore a down jacket and didn't even wear gloves. His palms were warm. He exhaled a white mist and warmed Pei Lu's face with his warm palms, as if coaxing a child. "Teacher, hold on a little longer, we will be there soon."

Pei Lu was reluctant to be dragged forward by him.

The road is getting more and more deviated. This road goes to the back mountain of Li family. Li family is located at the junction of the city center and the suburbs. The total area is very large. Although only a small villa is used, in fact The entire mountain that is connected is within the scope of the Li family.

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