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Arc 5 

Domineering Boss Loves Me (3)

The smile on Pei Lu's face faded, his eyebrows fell, his lips pursed into an arc of grievance, but his eyes passed Lu Wanwan and looked behind her.

"Shen Feng, she scolded me."

Lu Wanwan turned her head back in amazement, Shen Feng was standing at the entrance of the pavilion, her expression was cold, and she didn't know how long she had been here.

"You dare to plot against me?!"

Lu Wanwan stomped her foot and wanted to kick Pei Lu again, but when Pei Lu was awake this time, he naturally wouldn't kick her obediently. He walked around her nimbly and hid behind Shen Feng.

Feeling the boy's body against his back, Shen Feng's body was on fire.

Another layer of frost added to his dark complexion.

Pei Lu's body is nearly a head shorter than him, and he can only get close to the man's ear with his feet on his feet, "The peach blossom you invited, you can solve it yourself."

Shen Feng's ears trembled, and inexplicably heard the subtext from the young man's words, "If you don't get rid of the rotten peach blossoms, don't even think about going to my bed".

Lu Wanwan stared at Pei Lu's figure in disbelief, "Brother Shen Feng, it's him—"

"I saw it all." Shen Feng said lightly.

Lu Wanwan is the only daughter of his father's old friend. She has always been pampered and has a arrogant temper. He has always tolerated it for Shibo's face, provided that she has not crossed his bottom line.

"Wanwan, you've had enough fun here, it's time to go home."

Lu Wanwan's eyes were red, and she didn't have the arrogance in front of Pei Lu at all, "Brother Shen Feng, are you just driving me away for...for a Rabbit Lord?"

Shen Feng's frown deepened, he didn't like such strongly insulting words being used on young people, "Lu Wanwan, he is my lover." It's not some messy other people.

"In this case, I don't want to hear it a second time."

"You take the lady back."

The subordinates behind him responded and stood beside Lu Wanwan, ready to **** her back.

Shen Feng left without hesitation.

He had to coax the aggrieved bunny.

Pei Lu was lying by the window and smiled when he saw the man's figure coming this way. Shen Feng also saw him, nodded to him, and walked upstairs at a quicker pace.

Then he was locked out.

The door was locked by Pei Lu from the inside.

Shen Feng took a deep breath and calmed down, "Xu Shu, open the door."

Pei Lu sat on the chair and shook his legs, drinking happily with a cup of apple cider vinegar.

not open.

The knock on the door stopped after a while, the footsteps at the door slowly walked away, and then there was a soft sound of opening and closing the door next door.


Pei Lu dried the remaining half cup of apple cider vinegar in one gulp and grinned sourly.

There was a sudden sound from the balcony.

Pei Lu turned his head and saw the man leaning on the balcony railing and smiling at him, his teeth white and neat.

Pei Lu was so frightened that his face turned pale, he rushed up and grabbed him tightly, and said angrily, "Do you think you are still young if you don't go to the balcony if you have a good door?"

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