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Arc 3 

The Little Sweetheart of The Actor (5)

The warm sunlight outside the window shone in, Mu Xiu's eyes moved, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Last night was probably his best sleep, he sighed comfortably, Mu Xiu habitually wanted to sit up with his arms up—

A push, did not move?

Only then did Mu Xiu realize the heavy weight on his arm -Pei Lu hugged his arm and slept sweetly, with a slight blush on his fair cheeks.

He subconsciously stopped his movements, held his breath and looked at the sleeping Pei Lu, but for a while he didn't realize that this person not only slept in his own bed, but also stuck to him.

In the past, this was obviously the most unbearable thing for him.

However, he didn't think about it now, and all his attention was attracted by Pei Lu's messy sleep and soft hair. The light brown hair shone in the sun like a fluffy wad of cotton...

Just like the cotton **** in the dream...

Mu Xiu was so fascinated that he stretched out his hand to touch the cotton ball, and quickly withdrew his hand. After a while, seeing that Pei Lu had no sign of waking up, he couldn't help extending his hand again. . .

This time he touched it a little longer.

The entire palm was slowly covered on the soft hair, and the palms touched, bringing out a numb itching sensation. He couldn't help rubbing it again. It was soft and smooth, and it felt better than the elephant in the hand.

Mu Xiu was addicted to the beautiful touch on his hand, and regarded Pei Lu's head as a stuffed ball.

"???" Pei Lu looked at him blankly, the hand above his head was not dreaming.

Mu Xiu was too involved, so he might as well wake up the little pet for a while. He calmly retracted his hand, stared blankly at the little pet, and sincerely praised: "It feels very good, I like it very much."

Pei Lu: "????"

Mu Xiu said and rubbed his head again, "Tomorrow...you can come over and sleep." This can be said to be the highest level of treatment in Emperor Mu's nearly 30-year of life.

But the actor's thinking is obviously not understandable to ordinary people. Pei Lu's eyes disappeared blankly and looked at him sympathetically with the eyes of snake essence.

Actor, you are very ill.

Mu Xiu gave the reward, but he didn't get the cute smiling face of the little pet. He twisted his fingers with regret, and reminisced about the beautiful touch of the fingertips.

"I'll take a shower first."

After thinking about it for a while, Mu Xiu lifted the quilt, revealing his strong body, and Pei Lu could clearly see a bulge in front of the wet pants. When Mu Xiu moved it, it swayed, and the volume was very impressive.

Pei Lu swallowed his saliva and was surprised by the shameless shamelessness of the actor, "Well, do you want to solve it?"

Mu Xiu followed his fingers and looked down, his face was neither red nor panting, his eyes were very straight, and he even had disgust, "Don't worry about it, it will go down in a while."

"..." Pei Lu silently swallowed the following words.

Just be happy.


After the two finished packing, they went to the crew.

The whole movie is coming to an end, and Mu Xiu has only one scene today, which is also his last scene.

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