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Arc 4 Pick Up A Husband (8)

Speechless all the way.

Pei Lu gently held Zhao Mu's hand back. The man's palm was dry and warm, without the stickiness of blood, which made people feel at ease and at ease. But thinking of Zhao Mu's unhesitating action just now, his brows were still slightly wrinkled.

Zhao Mu, as usual, held his hand and carefully guarded him on the inside of the road, always in a protective posture, but his expression was much more serious than usual.

He didn't speak, neither did Pei Lu, and the two returned to the villa in silence.

On the way to meet Xu Xiaoyu who was greeting her, Zhao Mu glanced at her with frowning brows, and just dragged Pei Lu who wanted to say hello upstairs.

"Did these two quarrel?"

Xu Xiaoyu muttered softly, looking strangely at Zhao Mu's cold back. But she wasn't too worried. As far as Zhao Mu's strength in protecting his cubs was concerned, Xu Xiaoyu would not believe him if he really could do something to his precious brother.

The door of the room was closed, Zhao Mu carefully locked the door, then released Pei Lu and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Pei Lu sat blankly on the sofa, seeing Zhao Mu's stiff back, full of sorrow and not knowing how to break the strange atmosphere,

Zhao Mu's worry was vaguely aware of him. In fact, he was also afraid when he saw the **** eyeballs, but when he thought that those cruel hands belonged to Zhao Mu, and Zhao Mu was protecting him, he didn't feel afraid at all. .

He was worried about something else.

"666, if I remember correctly, Zhao Mu only mutated into... after two years, right?"

666 was silent for a while, [The data records that he will appear two years later, and he will already be the Zombie King.] But in the past two years, where he went and what he did, he would not record in detail.

Pei Lu pinched his palms, "I always think the way he looks at people... very strange." It wasn't like looking at a living person, and at that moment Pei Lu couldn't see it wrong, Zhao Mu's face was full of excitement.

"You said... Is it possible that Zhao Mu was actually infected with the virus two years ago?"

666 did not speak this time. Zhao Mu appeared again after two years of disappearance. He was already the Zombie Emperor, not only ordinary zombies obeyed him, but also those high-level zombies who had mutated and had a certain thinking.

Zhao Mu was originally an eighth-order ability user, and he is also the top combat power among the current ability users. After he was infected with the virus, the zombie virus mutated in his physical strength, and the last person to survive was Zhao Mu, but not Zhao Mu. Under the same skin, there are already two completely different species.

666 couldn't tell what was not recorded, so he could only tell Pei Lu to be careful, [If he has been infected with the virus, then you have to be careful yourself.]

Zombies and humans, no matter how similar they look, are two natural hostile camps.

Pei Lu lowered his eyelashes, and the newly grown nails made a deep mark on the palm of his hand, but the word "good" choked in his throat never came out. He didn't want to regard Zhao Mu as an enemy in the bottom of his heart. Be prepared that way.

"What are you thinking? Scared?"

Zhao Mu, who was carefully washing his hands in the bathroom, squatted in front of him and rubbed his head lightly.

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