Real World

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The brief time with Jin Ming was quickly forgotten by Pei Lu. 666 often mocked him for changing his mind too quickly. He was clearly a die-hard fan of the Marshal last month. After getting the autograph, he showed off fiercely. , But when I came back from a mission, I immediately changed my mind, and even the field marshal's active invitation was repeatedly rejected.

"I don't know what's going on..." Pei Lu buried himself in the soft quilt. When he thought of the handsome face of the marshal and the various behaviors of his fans in the past, he felt a little guilty for no reason, and always felt his neck twitching. of cold air.

666 was grinding his teeth beside him and was about to be dizzy. He turned around in a hurry, sat on Pei Lu's head, and said in a cute little voice, [The marshal is not at the base, you know?]

"Eh?" Pei Lu raised his head in surprise, "Which star region has a problem again?"

[No,] 666 curled his lips and looked at him with disgust, [You don't even pay attention to any current news?!]

Pei Lu was a little embarrassed for a moment, but he quickly widened his eyes again and said confidently, "I wasn't in a good mood a few days ago."

"..." 666 rolled his eyes at him, but still explained to him: [I heard that another energy star was found with the scarce metal that the Legion needed on it, and the marshal went over in person.]

"Oh." Pei Lu sullenly stuffed himself into the quilt. He just listened to the news about the big guys, so he didn't pay attention to it. ,


Time flies, and there is no task to finish during this time. Pei Lu originally wanted to go out for a walk, but without the base pass, he couldn't even get out of the gate, so he had to hang out in the base with nothing to do every day.

After another half month, the news of the marshal's repelling the wandering star thieves was overwhelming. The newly discovered energy star does have rare metals that are in short supply in the legion. This energy star was discovered by an adventure team, so the news of the discovery of rare metals was not kept secret. Jin Ming just arrived with the army, and there were three or four waves before and after. Star thieves came to test. As for who is behind these star thieves, there are too many possible objects.

The scarce energy of the federal army is definitely needed by other countries, but these are just undercurrents. On the bright side, Jin Ming has wiped out nearly 20 large and small star thieves teams, including the infamous "KILL" "The Star Thieves.

In any case, it is something that the public deserves to celebrate.

After solving the problem of the ownership of the energy star and incorporating it into the territory of the Federation, Jin Ming returned to the First Army again.


Pei Lu squatted in the house and played games. He had no tasks and couldn't go out to play. Life in the base was very boring, so Pei Lu had to indulge in games with 666.

666 roared beside him, his skills were still cooling down, he could only command Pei Lu to attack, [Go big! Big big!]

Pei Lu hurriedly looked for the skill icons on the operation interface, and before he could figure out which one was "big", he was counter-killed by the enemy's flexible movements. With one strike, his blood bar was bottomed out, and he fell miserably to the ground.

Pei Lu: "..."

666: "..."

666 folded back 1V2 to end the enemy army, saw Pei Lu's gray body on the ground, and jumped up and jumped twice in anger.

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now