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Arc 2 

I'm going to **** you even if I became a ghost (11)

Pei Lu was tossed and turned by him all night, and there was no good meat all over his body. If Qu Luocheng didn't see him crying pitifully, and finally let him go when it was almost dawn, Pei Lu estimated that he would have to lie on the bed for three days. Five days to get up.

Even so, Pei Lu couldn't get up the next day.

He lay upright on the bed, feeling that he was no different from a high paraplegic. What was even more terrifying was that an overused part could not be closed at all.

Pei Lu stared at the dead fish with a sluggish expression, and he hadn't recovered from being stimulated by his strong anus.

The door made a muffled sound, and Qu Luocheng walked in with a bowl of porridge in his hand. Pei Lu heard the voice and closed his eyes subconsciously to pretend to be asleep.

Qu Luocheng put the porridge on the table and sat down on the bed lightly.

A small piece of the bed was obviously collapsed, and Pei Lu pretended to be asleep, but in fact, his eyes squeaked uncomfortably under his lids, and his thick black eyelashes trembled like a small fan.

Qu Luocheng's soft eyes fell on his trembling eyelashes, he patted his eyelashes with satisfaction, and deliberately frightened him: "I'm still awake? If you don't get up, I'll kiss you..."

Pei Lu's eyelashes trembled even more, and even his ears were stained with a thin layer of red, but his eyes closed even tighter. Qu Luocheng chuckled and pressed his lips, "Do you really want me to kiss you?"

Without waiting for Pei Lu to react, he gently placed a kiss on his forehead.

The soft lips were printed on his forehead, and the hot touch spread from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Pei Lu's whole body felt as if he had been electrocuted, and he couldn't help shaking slightly.

Except that the eyes are still closed, in fact, it is no different from being awake. The more he deceived himself, the more hooked Qu Luocheng felt, and he couldn't help but want to keep teasing him.

"Isn't it enough?" Qu Luocheng pretended to be distressed and bent his fingers to tap on his forehead, "Where should I kiss next?"

Pei Lu pursed his lips uneasily, his heart beat wildly, and he almost couldn't help opening his eyes.

"Let's go here," Qu Luocheng chuckled lightly, his fingers rubbed his slightly torn lips, leaning down and licking his lips with the tip of his tongue.

Pei Lu had just gotten out of the way, how could he stand up to such a flirt, his fragile heart beat wildly, like a frightened springbok, jumping up suddenly.


The springbok, who had just jumped up, was pulled into the wound, and the courage he mustered up was instantly drained. He could only lie on the bed pitifully, gasping for breath, and the painful eye sockets were red.

Qu Luocheng frowned, took him into his arms and touched his head, then turned him over to look at the wound, but Pei Lu wanted to struggle, but he patted his **** gently and warned, "Don't move, I'll see if there is any bleeding."

Pei Lu was slapped by him, his face and buttocks were all hot.

Qu Luocheng ripped off the rest of his trousers and checked the injured flower. Except for the redness and swelling due to excessive friction, fortunately there was no bleeding. Qu Luocheng carefully smeared the medicine he had bought, and then lifted his trousers up, making him half lean on the head of the bed.

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