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Pick Up A Husband (16)

Pei Lu knew that he was dreaming again.

In the dream, it was still as white as a cotton ball. Pei Lu slumped weakly in the cotton ball, listening to the low male voice getting closer...

"Pei Lu..."

The man's voice was soft and tender, and Pei Lu responded to him as if he was bewitched, "Mu..."

The man's voice was filled with a smile, and it almost sounded in Pei Lu's ear, he said, "I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too......"

Pei Lu stared blankly at the void, his heavy brain had stopped working, he forced his eyes wide open, trying to stay awake, a void was reflected in his dark pupils...

"Liar..." The man smiled and dropped a kiss on his forehead, his cold lips slid down from his forehead, and finally pressed against Pei Lu's plump lips, and murmured in a low male voice: "You don't remember me... ..."

Pei Lu stiffly felt this unfamiliar and familiar touch, tears gathered in his eyes, and he was about to fall. He shook his head weakly, wanting to say "I don't", but his blank brain couldn't even remember the man's name...

He closed his eyes, tears wet his eyelashes and ran down his cheeks, "I'll remember."

The cold lips covered his eyes again, and cherished the salty tears, "Don't cry..."

Pei Lu is actually a bit of a squeamish person in essence, but the older he gets, the thinner his skin becomes, and the more restraint he has on his emotions. Outside, he has always been an occasional casual, but most of the time he is a reliable and gentle young man.

Only when facing a man can Pei Lu show his inner fragility. It's okay if the man doesn't coax him. As soon as he opens his mouth, Pei Lu silently sheds more turbulent tears. Said: "I'm sorry..."

The man sighed, and then Pei Lu fell into a solid embrace.

Pei Lu felt a little humiliated intellectually, but emotionally he had a long-lost dependence on the man's arms. He rubbed his face in attachment and buried his face in the man's arms silently, feeling the security of being surrounded.

The man raised his face forcefully and kissed down his wet eyelashes. Pei Lu closed his eyes and obeyed him, like a lamb who willingly sacrificed himself.

Everything happened logically... Pei Lu was undulating in the soft cotton ball, and the extreme sensory experience made him almost turn into a breeze and melted into the enthusiasm of the man.

...the two of them reached the top at the same time, Pei Lu opened his hazy eyes, trying to see the man's masked face, but the man chuckled and avoided his hand, burying his face in the crevice of his neck, "No. You can see..."

A burst of disappointment surged in Pei Lu's heart, "Then what's your name? I...I only remember one word." He was a little embarrassed when he said this. It was obvious that the two of them had just had a great time, but he didn't even have a man's name. all forgotten.

"Can't say," the man bit his earlobe, his voice muffled, "you have to remember it yourself."


Pei Lu replied dully, but he didn't give up his initial plan. He deliberately said coquettishly, "Then kiss me again."

"Like me kissing you?" The man smiled wickedly, "Close your eyes."

"Yeah." Pei Lu replied softly, his cheeks flushed crimson, and he closed his eyes obediently.

"It's so cute..." The man kissed his lips cherishly, and tossed and grinded, making a tsk tsk sound between his lips and teeth.

Pei Lu pinched his palm secretly, widened his eyes suddenly, and met the man's quiet eyes——

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