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Arc 2

I'm going to **** you even if I became a ghost (3)

Pei Lu had a nightmare all night. In the dream, he was either being chased by ghosts, or he was being chased by ghosts. He finally escaped, and was chased by evil ghosts with bad marriages. He was pressed on the ground to drink blood and eat meat. It can be said that it was very miserable. .

When he woke up the next day, he had two huge black eye circles on his face. The original little friend saw him dumbfounded. The first reaction was to be surprised by his dark circles, "Dog Dan, what were you doing last night? already?"

Immediately afterwards, they reported that it was wrong. The dog's eggs seemed to be very clean today. How could they beg for food?

"Why do you wash your face so clean? We won't share it with you if you can't eat it later!"

beg,,, begging???

Pei Lu stared at his new friends, a fat man, a bamboo pole, and a small bald head.

The person who was talking just now was Chubby Dun'er. The other person was fat, and the facial features were all crowded together on his fleshy face.

Bamboo pole is thin and tall, Pei Lu gestured with his eyes, and now he should barely reach his chest.

Among the three, the one who seems to talk better is the little bald head. He looks about the same size as Pei Lu, and his face that has been deliberately smeared with mud can be seen to be quite handsome.

The persimmon was about to be squeezed softly. Pei Lu didn't know the market situation, so he had to move to the side of the little bald head and talk to him, "Shall I come with you?"

The little bald head glanced at him in surprise. Goudan had always been hanging out with Fatty before. Fatty was strong and strong. He could always grab food from other beggars. Unlike him, he was not too strong. Will fight, can only beg honestly.

Pei Lu bumped him with his arm and winked at him, "Okay?"

The little bald head replied in a sullen voice, and muttered a few words in his heart, saying, "Okay."

After the team was divided, the group of four went down the mountain. Before going down the mountain, Pang Duner disliked him for being too clean, and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and wanted to wipe it on his face. Fortunately, Pei Lu reacted quickly and avoided it. , otherwise the mud from last night was all white.

That is to say, where did the original owner's dirty mud come from, the original source is here.

The ruined temple they live in is halfway up the mountain, and after walking down a section to the foot of the mountain, there is a town. There are many rich households in the town, and the market is also lively. If you are a little smarter, you can get a few copper plates to improve the food at the end of the day. .

The begging site was already divided, and Fat Duner's site was the largest, and others could still be aggressive, so naturally the site occupied was the best.

Compared with the bald head, it was a little worse. The site he was assigned was in a slightly remote corner. It was neither good nor bad. There were not many people coming and going, but there were always some rich young ladies passing by. It was not enough to ask for food and clothing every day. problem.

Fat Dun'er took care of his own people, secretly gave a thumbs up to his new partner, Pei Lu followed the little bald head and squatted by the corner of the wall, putting a broken bowl in front of him that couldn't see the color, and then just waited.

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