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The Little Sweetheart of The Actor (7)

After washing his face, Pei Lu calmed down in front of the mirror for a while, feeling that he could face Mu Xiu calmly, and then opened the door and went out.

On the hospital bed, Mu Xiu eagerly looked in the direction of the bathroom, and when he saw him come out, his eyes lit up, and he said aggrieved: "I haven't gotten down yet, it's so uncomfortable."

"..." Pei Lu's feigned calm face collapsed again.

With a dark face, he pressed back Mu Xiu, who was trying to show him, and said fiercely: "Lie down and don't move."

Mu Xiu lay down very obediently and stopped trying to get up.

But his body didn't move, but his eyes were restless. He lit up and down Pei Lu's body, like a flexible tongue, licking him inside and out.

This is so **** up.

I didn't realize that this guy was looking at people with a hook before. Pei Lu was so embarrassed by him that he simply reached out and covered his eyes.

Under the palm of his hand, Mu Xiu's eyes did not close, but in a blink of an eye, the soft eyelashes fluttered in his palm, and the tiny itching sensation spread from the palm to the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Mu Xiu pitifully said to Pei Lu, "It hurts, help me."

"..." Pei Lu endured more and more before he threw the person out.

Untie the rope on his trousers for him, Pei Lu said dryly: "I will solve it myself."

Mu Xiu frowned, his eyes fell down with disgust, and he said decisively: "Dirty, help me."

"..." Pei Lu pressed his head that was about to explode and tried to reason with him calmly, "You can't ask others to help you with this kind of thing, you have to do it yourself."

"I can help you too." However, Mu Xiu didn't listen, and his hands were very long and flexible, so he grabbed Pei Lu.

After tentatively kneading and kneading, Mu Xiu said with satisfaction, "Look, we can help each other."


Isn't it dirty now? !


Pei Lu froze and didn't dare to move, and said in despair, "Let me go first."

"Don't be shy, I'll help you." Mu Xiu said to him with a serious face, the small pet's organs did not make him feel sick, and he even tried to use different strengths to treat the soft ball in the palm of his hand.

Then the soft dumplings quickly became the hard dumplings of Bangbang.

"..." Pei Lu's heart almost collapsed. He endured strong stimulation, and he hasn't given up reasoning with him, "You let go first, we can't do this."

Mu Xiu's eyes were a little red, and he looked at Pei Lu in confusion, his voice was hoarse, "Don't you like it?"

Pei Lu's legs softened, and he was suddenly speechless.

Seeing that he was humming and not speaking, Mu Xiu just thought he was shy again, so he simply held his hand and moved by himself.


There was a strange touch and smell left in the palm of his hand, and Pei Lu sat sluggishly beside the bed, wandering.

Mu Xiu solved the trouble that he couldn't let go, and he felt very comfortable. He circled Pei Lu in his own territory with one hand, and touched Pei Lu with the other.

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