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Pick Up A Husband (12)

The base has encountered a zombie wave before, and now they are quite experienced in dealing with them. After Xie Yige and the others came forward to appease the restless crowd, they started the wartime preparations in an orderly manner.

The ability users are organized in teams of five, patrolling the edge of the base day and night. Every hour, a team will secretly go out to detect news. The news of the zombie army is updated in real time.

Ordinary people who were able to participate in the battle were organized into a team of 15. Everyone was given guns, ammunition and anti-bite combat uniforms. In addition to the two guns on their belts, there were sharp daggers that reflected the cold light.

Zhao Mu followed Xie Yige to inspect the base. He was a little surprised that the base's equipment was still efficient. "The base's equipment is much better than I thought."

This base is at most a medium-sized base, which is much smaller than the Pingnan base that Zhao Mu had stayed at before, but looking at their equipment, it is not inferior to the Pingnan base at all.

A smug look flashed on Xie Yi's face, "It turned out to be an arms factory, and we took the boss's efforts to take it down."

At that time, Xie Yige and the others were still a small team of hundreds of people, running for their lives among the zombies. Later, they discovered this military factory by accident, and they had a foundation.

That's no wonder... Zhao Mu's long-standing doubts have been explained, and he has a greater grasp of keeping the base.

"Let's go, they are all waiting." Xie Yige took Zhao Mu around, checked the time, and went to the conference room with Zhao Mu.

The zombie army is less than 100 kilometers away from them. If they are fast, they will arrive tomorrow. They must be fully prepared.


There were five high-level executives in the base who could talk to each other. Except for Xie Yige and Lao Zhu who Zhao Mu had already met, the other three were Xiong Zhong, He Yao and Qi Feishi.

These five people were the leaders of the 100-person team before the base developed. Before finding the munitions factory, these people fought side by side with their subordinates, saying that they were close brothers. changed.

People's desires are endless. These five people have similar strengths and are all fifth-order abilities. Xie Yige and Xiong Zhong are in the same camp. In order to fight against them, Lao Zhu and He Yao formed an alliance. Qi Feishi, who was the youngest and joined later, has always been neutral to protect himself, and never participated in their battles on the bright side.

There was a large round table in the conference room, and a huge topographic map was hung on the wall behind the round table. The other three people sat around the round table. In the evening, some Xie Yige and Zhao Mu sat down in the vacated seats. ,

"It's time to start." Xie Yige said.

"Lao Xie's arrogance is getting bigger and bigger, let the brothers wait in vain until now." Lao Zhu said in a strange way, he was also afraid of Zhao Mu's unfathomable strength, so he only dared to say this to Xie Yige.

Xie Yige smiled slightly, didn't care about him, and showed them the collected information, "The latest news brought back by the reconnaissance team, the zombie army is only 85 kilometers away from the base." He corresponds to the place on the map. clicked.

"At this rate, the zombie army will arrive at the base tomorrow." This was similar to their initial prediction, but no one was happy.

"Where are the mutant zombies?" Zhao Mu asked aloud, "These zombies have come all the way, and it looks like someone is in command."

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