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Domineering Boss Loves Me (16)

666 asked angrily: [Did your man do the thing that made the main brain was attacked by the virus?!]

Pei Lu was surprised, "Did Jin Ming attack the mastermind?!"

666 looked at him suspiciously, Pei Lu's expression was too exaggerated, so he wanted to deliberately pretend he didn't know anything, so that he would not doubt it, [Don't you know? Zhao Mu's world, the entire spiritual world, The information has been illegally stolen.]

Pei Lu just wanted to say that there is a whole world that is only the last segment...,

"Why are you telling me this, I don't know." When the words came to his lips, Pei Lu suddenly reacted and made a bluff defense.

666 snorted softly, [It's best if it has nothing to do with you. The mastermind is still on fire recently. If he finds out that he did it, he will not give up.]

Pei Lu laughed twice, touched his nose and stopped talking. I secretly thought that I must remind Jin Ming after the task is over.

In the end, the two chatted, but they didn't agree. 666 didn't want to open the back door for Pei Lu. Pei Lu hummed angrily, saying that he would never change his body with 666 again.


In May, entering the graduation season, Pei Lu successfully passed his thesis defense. Today is the graduation ceremony held in the department.

The head of the department, who thanked him, continued to talk on the podium for an hour and a half. When he finally finished his speech, there was warm applause in the auditorium.

After the ceremony, it is time for free time.

Pei Lu's academic robe has not been changed. The black academic robe is empty and filled with the wind, like an inflated balloon.

Shen Feng led 666 under the tree, and saw Pei Lu who looked like a balloon from a distance.

He waved at Pei Lu, and the fat ball jumped twice, screaming at Pei Lu.

With a big smile on his face, Pei Lu took the hat in his hand and ran towards the man and the dog under the tree. .

Fat Ball's speed was much faster than Shen Feng's. It stretched the leash, and the whole dog lay on Pei Lu's body. The tail on the back of his **** was wagging, and what was on Pei Lu's body was just a mess, no matter what. Pei Lu moved it with or without it.

With a dark face, Shen Feng pulled down the stupid dog who got there first, and went up to give Pei Lu a hug, "Congratulations on graduation."

Pei Lu smiled and narrowed his eyes, rubbing the man's fur.

Since it was the graduation season, it was definitely necessary to take graduation photos. Shen Feng specially brought a camera over to take pictures of Pei Lu.

Pei Lu was wearing a bachelor's uniform and a bachelor's hat on his head. He smiled like an angel in the camera.

Shen Feng's angel.

Shen Feng pressed the shutter, and at the moment when the photo was frozen, Fat Ball suddenly came over, looked at the camera curiously, and Shen Feng flipped through the captured photos.


The whole screen is taken up by the silly dog's nose.

Ugly and stupid.

Pei Lu looked at Gu Gu curiously, and smiled and hugged the fat ball straight and softly. The fat ball was dazedly endured by the owner's enthusiasm. He was very flattered. .

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now