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Domineering Boss Loves Me (12)

Shen Feng raised his eyebrows and pulled his phone to unlock it. Pei Lu's phone also recorded his fingerprints. He tapped his finger on the home button, the screen that was turned off turned on, and he stayed on the Weibo interface before he could log out.

Shen Feng swiped his finger a few times, and in the comment area, Pei Lu scolded someone without repeating and pinched a tall building.

Shen Feng looked at the words in the comments greeting each other's parents and the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, and asked with difficulty: "Who taught you these words?"

Seeing his vulgar side by his lover, Pei Lusao's face turned red, he looked at his toes uncomfortably, and said in a low voice, "Just, just learn and use now..."

Shen Feng threw his phone on the sofa, pinched his face, and said helplessly, "Didn't I tell you to stay off the Internet for the next two days?"

He was just worried that Pei Lu would feel uncomfortable when he saw the comments on the Internet. Who would have thought that this arrogant child would not feel uncomfortable at all. He directly pinched people on the Internet, and his fighting power was particularly strong.

"The company has arranged for the public relations team to deal with it. What are you thinking about with these people on the Internet." Shen Feng taught him and led him upstairs.

Pei Lu lowered his head in dissatisfaction and muttered, "I can't help being angry when I see a fool!"

"What?" Shen Feng didn't hear clearly, and turned to look at him inquiringly.

Pei Lu quickly changed his words, "I said I would be angry when I saw them scold you."

Shen Feng smiled tenderly, rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand to soothe the irritable children, "Dear, don't read these news for the next two days, they won't be bouncing around for long."

Pei Lu was happy when he heard the words, "Can you solve it? The family members of those crew members..."

"Don't worry," Shen Feng pushed his wardrobe to the side, "change clothes, let's go out."

Pei Lu was inexplicable, "It's already night, where are you going to change clothes?"

Shen Feng was looking at the email sent by Zhang Mi, and when he heard the words, he said vaguely, "You will know when you go."

Pei Lu murmured psychologically, but the action of changing clothes was agile.

He took off his light blue home clothes and put on a shirt without a tie. The two buttons on the top were unbuttoned, revealing a section of fair skin. He put on a pair of light gray suit pants and put on leather shoes. Pei Lu took a photo. Mirror, I'm very satisfied with my dress, I don't have to be so formal at night, but if Shen Feng takes him to any formal occasion, it's not rude.

Taking off the woolen coat hanging on the hanger and putting it on, Pei Lu walked on tiptoe to Shen Feng, "Okay."

Shen Feng looked at him up and down, the young man's face still had a hint of greenness, even if he was wearing a shirt and trousers, he didn't have that kind of maturity, on the contrary, his youthful temperament was cleaner, and the small open neckline made people want to look inside. after all.

Shen Feng's eyes had a trace of burning heat, his palms slipped behind his back/waist, and his lips were pressed against his ears and whispered, "I'll be back at night... just wear this..."


Pei Lu blushed again, gave the shameless man a fierce look, and ran downstairs.

Shen Feng twisted his fingers, recalling the warm touch on the youth's waist, and the corners of his mouth curved a little.

[BL] All My Patients Fall in Love with Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now