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|Izzy's POV|

If you would've told me years ago that my 20s would be spent in Texas, that I'd have a  5 year old, and my own dance studio- I'd tell you LIES! These past 5 years have been a rollercoaster, but I wouldn't trade them for anything.

My greatest gift, my baby, Logan Tyler Law. LT for short. Going into labor the weekend of my baby shower was unexpected. I'm thankful Tyler was able to be there and that I was surrounded by family.

I was in Texas for the second half of my pregnancy either at uncle Mark's or Tyler's parents house. Plus, it was a closer flight for Ty. I'm looking for a place of our own, we decided on an apartment, but both of our parents suggested a Condo instead. My mom was extremely helpful in finding one that was in Houston and not too far from Ty's parents. We moved in right before the baby shower.

Once I had Logan, my mom stayed with me for a couple of weeks. Jamie temporarily moved in and was a huge help. Ty had to go back to school, but was home on the weekends. He was even popping up in the middle of the week when he had spare time. I told him he didn't have to do it, but he said anytime he had with me and Logan was worth it.

After he graduated from USC, we sat down and came up with a game plan for the next step in his medical journey and what my future would look like. While we didn't plan our every little detail, we had big hopes and dreams, neither of us needing to put those on hold. We had a great support system that we were beyond thankful for.

He decided on Baylor for med school and straight into residency once he graduated. Lots of long hours. Lots of studying. Still, he always made time for me and Logan. He's always there.

My dreams have come true of being able to tour and dance. I was thinking about going back to college, but the touring opportunities started coming in after I had Logan. Aside from touring, Jamie and I finally opened our dance studio. Juggling motherhood and my career hasn't been easy, but thankfully we have help.

So here we are, fast forward 5 years and my baby isn't a baby anymore. He's 5 and in Kindergarten. He's going through a phase right now with the excessive tantrums. Tyler and I have been talking to him about it and reprimanding him when need be, but Tyler and I both know he's going to need more than just a conversation.

Not that we're against spanking LT, we've just tried talking to him and helping him understand why we're upset and why he's in trouble. His tantrums are becoming more frequent and I am not going to have him acting like this anymore. I know for sure Tyler is tired of letting it slide.

I was not expecting to get a call from Logan's teacher and I know Tyler was booked all day. I sent him a text summarizing the situation and knew he'd text back whenever he could. I was shopping with the girls when he called me.

Hey babe.

Hey. Sorry I couldn't respond to your text. I've been swamped with cases today.

It's alright. Just wanted to give you the heads up of what you were coming home to. Long day?

Yeah, but I'll be done in a few hours. What are you up to?

Went to lunch with the girls and now shopping for the baby.

I hope you guys are staying out of trouble.


I'm just saying. The five of you together...

The five of us together are fine.

Right. So, Logan hit a boy in his class with a toy truck and then threw a tantrum with his teacher...

She was putting him in timeout, the tantrum began and he kicked her.

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