Pro Baller

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|Zach's POV|

Your boy is back and better than ever. Just what have I been up to these past 5 years? Picking up where we left off, I had graduated from high school. I got a full ride to Ohio State and was a starter on the football team my freshman year. I chose football over baseball and dedicated all my time to one sport instead of two. I made new friends. My team became a second family.

Kylie and I maintained a long distance relationship.  She went to FIT in New York. Fashion and fitness were her things. She was able to pour her energy into both. During the season it was harder for me to get to her, so she came to me. I was surprised she made it to as many games as she did. Always supporting. Screaming louder than anyone else. My biggest fan.

I decided to enter the draft, leaving college a year early. Ma wanted me to finish since I was almost done. I told her I would, eventually. I was drafted in the first round to the Kansas City Chiefs. That was one of the best nights of my life. I had my entire family there, including the love of my life.

Moving from Florida to Connecticut was one thing, but Ohio is a different type of cold. Getting to play in Missouri, at least I knew the type of cold I was in for. After I got drafted, I just rented an apartment near the stadium. Once Kylie graduated I asked her to move in with me. Thankfully she did. She started working on her fitness brand and workout gear. One thing about Kylie, she's a perfectionist. I helped her in any way that I could. We bought a condo together and she became quick friends with the other wives and girlfriends on the team.

I've been on the team for two years and just turned 23. My rookie year there was an injury to another player that made me a starter and I've been locked in ever since. My rookie year was phenomenal to say the least. I became a fan favorite and was selected to the pro bowl. I have a lot of friends I balled with not in the position I'm in. I've worked my ass off, buckled down, no partying, no drinking, nothing extra. Straight humbled myself. It's made all the difference.

You're probably wondering how things are going with my mom. They say some people can come into your life and change you for the better. For my mom, that person was Rob. I didn't talk to her for the majority of my Senior year, but decided to invite her to my graduation. Rob came as well. They got married a few years after that and I swear she's a whole new person. They're still in Florida. She's been working on herself, respect my boundaries, and finally apologized. Not the apology for how she made me "feel," but actually owning up to her shit.

My family comes to as many games as they can, both home and away. I have a game against the Texans and I'm happy I'll get to see my sisters and nephew. Speaking of, I need to call them. I decided to call Izzy first.


Hey Izzy.

Zachy. I was just thinking of you. You're playing the Texans next week. Your nephew will be excited to see you.

Shit, so will you. You know you miss me.

She laughed.

Yeah, I do. Plus, perfect timing to celebrate your Jordan year.

I don't need you guys making a big deal about my birthday.

Too bad. The fam is in town so we're celebrating anyway.

I shook my head knowing she was being serious.

How are you?

I'm doing alright.

How's Ty and LT? I gotta call Jamie, but how is she with my niece on the way?

Ty is good. He made sure he wasn't working the weekend of the game. LT is fine. Jamie is growing. I swear her belly is bigger every time I see her.

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