Freak Out

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|Stephanie's POV|

We are officially back home in Connecticut and it's time Paul and I discuss how we're going to handle this situation with Murphy's teacher. We've been through a lot these past 5 years, but never would I have imagined one of my children being assaulted by a teacher at that. Apparently his name is Mr. Shepherd. School is where kids are supposed to be safe. A teacher, the person in authority, should never use their power to make them feel less than or uncomfortable.

Am I surprised my older children found out? Not at all. They'd hear the news one way or another and Murphy could use their support now. Zach and Kylie flew back with us. Zach was adamant about meeting the teacher. I know he's using "talking to the athletes" as a decoy. He said he wouldn't be talking to them until the afternoon and could he join us for the meeting.

Paul contacted Principal Hollis stating we needed to meet with her a soon as possible on Tuesday. I have no idea how this is going to go, but our lawyer is on speed dial and the authorities will be called if need be.

The girls had just gone to bed. Kylie and Zach are staying in the guest house. I was sitting in the living room, the TV just on. Paul came in and handed me a glass of wine.

"Thank you."

He sat next to me, wrapping his arm around me, turning off the TV.

"I cleared my schedule for the next few days. Depending on how things go at the school tomorrow, I'd rather Murphy stay home than skip class," he commented.

"I agree. I wish she would've..."

"I know, Steph. We've raised girls that prefer to handle everything on their own and involve us after the fact."

"Between this and what's going on with Rory, I feel like we're failing them."

"Far from it and you know it. These are two different situations. I see why Murphy hesitated to tell us. Sometimes you wish things would just go away. I'm sure she had a plan to handle this herself. It's a blessing in disguise that I picked her and Vaughn up early and I requested their attendance records or we might've still been in the dark on the situation. When it comes to Rory, we can tell the kids whether we approve or not but she's 20 years old. She has to make decisions on her own and as much as we'd like to be there to hold her hand and guide her, she has to go through things on her own. That's the only way she'll truly learn and grow," he stated.

He had a point, but still that didn't settle my concerns.

"I feel there's more that Rory isn't telling us about what happened with her and Kyle."

He nodded.

"I'm sure there is and when she's ready to tell us, we'll know."

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"Of course it does. That's not even a question. Still, I can't force it out of her. When she's ready to talk, she will."

"I just don't have a good feeling about any of this."

He sighed.

"To be honest, neither do I. All we can do is tackle one thing at a time."

"I'm going to go call Rory before I go to bed. I know she's up."


I finished my wine glass and he took it going back to the kitchen as I headed upstairs to call Rory. She answered after a few rings.

Hi mommy.

Hey baby. Just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay.

Mom, I'm fine. We'll be heading back to New York on Wednesday.

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